Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] it to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hurd : I listened to my hon. Friend 's particularly interesting speech on that theme on Monday , and I commend it to the House .
2 The Bill is the right Bill for the job and I commend it to the House .
3 The Bill matches the needs of the times , and I commend it to the House .
4 I believe that the timetable that we are proposing offers a sensible and balanced way of achieving all the different objectives , including the legitimate desire of the House to consider the Bill fully , and I commend it to the House .
5 When Stephanie 's mother died we found in the bungalow a watch , it must of been given I would of thought to her father probably for his twenty first and I took it to a jewellers in Elton , well that 's all he does is watches actually apart from jewellery .
6 And I took it to the people up on Royal Parade , who are constantly having burglaries , no , that 's that 's true , they have had several quite chunky burglaries
7 I fill the bus and I drive it to the airport .
8 And I put it to the some of the women and men cleaners you see , How would like a rest day roster ?
9 It 's easy to forget that it 's over eight years since Pepsi and Shirlie first sang with Wham ! and Shirlie still laughs at the memories : ‘ When we started out I had one dress and I wore it to every photo session — I could n't afford any more ! ’
10 I remember one dress , it was brocade , and I wore it to the opening of the opera .
11 It tastes delicious and I pick it to the bone like a meticulous cat .
12 I take out my sketch pad , but the results are not food and I consign it to the ancient lavatory and oblivion on the track .
13 Erm you gave a a very full account of the sort of pressures that erm you were under because you did n't have a job and you related it to the necessity of involving yourself in what you euphemistically called the black economy .
14 So what we 're saying is that you can take the correlation coefficient , multiply it by N minus two divided by one minus R , square root it first , and you convert it to a T. R P is the correlation coefficient ca calculated by the way we 've j that that 's just a little squiggle
15 A pedometer is a small gadget that clips onto your belt and you adjust it to the length of your own stride to measure the distance covered .
16 A third kind of analysis conceives some sections of the middle class ( technicians , managers , engineers , professional employees in the public service and in private industry ) either as constituting an important part of a ‘ new working class ’ which is likely to participate in its own way in a refashioned socialist movement ( Mallet , 1975 ) , or as forming one element — alongside the old industrial working class — in a new class , which is becoming involved in a new type of struggle , directed against those who control the institutions of economic and political decision making , and who reduce it to a condition , not of misery or oppression , but of restricted and dependent participation in the major public affairs of society ( Touraine , 1971a ) .
17 She owed it to the town , and she owed it to the memory of Frank Williams , her father , who 'd had no one to fight for him when he 'd needed it most .
18 God was clearly on her side and she made it to the living-room door without a hitch .
19 At last the little flame flared and she set it to the paper , watching the end blacken , smoulder and curl as it burned .
20 She is wearing her party smile which slashes to a snarling slaver and she makes it to the kitchen where cold steal lies on Dutch tiles .
21 Wanda stole a half-bottle of Latvian double kümmel from her father 's extensive cellar and we took it to a little bridge on the outskirts of the village where we sat and talked , being careful to hide the bottle when anyone passed by but sipping away until we had finished the lot .
22 I mean would it be the same if we had ten and we raised it to the three quarters .
23 and we gave it to the erm school at over Downing Drive
24 The social significance of this ( and one linking it to the theorists we have discussed earlier ) lay in the fact that large numbers of individuals , uprooted from their established communities and families were adapting to one another and to the existing Chicago population .
25 Auto-exposure systems work by measuring the average brightness of the incoming picture , and they control it to a standard level by varying the lens iris opening and the ‘ gain ’ of the camcorder 's video amplifier .
26 Stab the heel and they drip the blood out onto a piece of blotting paper and it dries and they send it to the laboratory and they punch it out and they examine it and they test it .
27 And the thing that was said a lot was a Slippery Elm stick , well I still do n't really know what it was but er it was a kind of a s , bark of the Slippery Elms , a Slippery Elm bark or something and they sharpened it to a point and inserted that into the womb you see and it was done , and then of course I heard a lot about gin , sitting in a hot bath with gin .
28 The second defendant was sent a photocopy of the affidavit and he sent it to the defendants ' solicitors for advice in the context of the wrongful dismissal claim .
29 After this but before the rogue was traced , the rogue took the car along to a market in Warren Street ( where dealers commonly sold cars ) and he sold it to an innocent purchaser .
30 His ‘ act as if you own the place ’ approach seemed to work , and he made it to the double doors that opened into the main tunnel complex , not even pausing as he attached a circuit board to a second brick and casually tossed it into the heart of the pile of drums on the dock nearby .
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