Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] had [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and my parents had booked the audition for the Central School and found me a bed-sit in Swiss Cottage and being completely naive it was assumed that this was where I would be going .
2 Zoe and her sister had checked the field carefully for dangerous objects before they began jumping .
3 Sarah and her friends had left the party at their local rugby club in Keynsham , Avon , when a speeding Ford Fiesta suddenly appeared out of the fog on the A4 .
4 But then her pride and her curiosity had got the better of her again , and she remembered why she had agreed to the meeting in the first place .
5 Urged on by Dorothy , she related the story of Harry 's early years with the Pritchetts , the criminal way in which Gervaise 's wife and her brother had dissipated the boy 's fortune , Sir Philip Debrace 's interest in him .
6 She had wanted to fall in love , she had willed it , and her body had produced the lover , close to her heart , fed by her own blood , watered by own needy greedy wanting .
7 She muttered incoherently but the sound was happy , and her eyes had lost the terrible haunted stare of madness .
8 During Isabelle Russell 's lifetime , she and her husband had shared the big front bedroom .
9 Rosa had been crying then , with the pieces of the plate her mother had tried to smash over her head in front of her at the table , and her mother had put the back of her hand to her daughter 's cheek , as if to test her for fever .
10 With the adoption of Christianity by kings and their subjects had come the conception of the " Christian ruler " , for Christ had been the " King of the Jews " and the society of the Old Testament was a kingly and patriarchal one .
11 By the end of 1941 it looked as though the Communists and their supporters had established the monopoly over the Left for which they had been striving since their foundation .
12 Charlemagne and Louis the Pious and their counsellors had strengthened the authority of archbishops , and promoted regular meetings of councils of one province or of several provinces : trends that continued after 840 , and especially in the kingdom of Charles the Bald .
13 She promised the community 's support and help if indeed the parents and their witnesses had to leave the island .
14 He predicted the young gipsy would rise to new and great heights now he had a wife beside him — a wife who had spent most of her life in the Wychwood Forest and whose trials had touched the hearts of all those who knew and loved her .
15 Mr Bond and his lawyers had fought the bankruptcy petition through the Australian courts since March last year , arguing that his personal guarantee was not enforceable and , when that failed , appealing on other technical grounds .
16 As the clearinghouse for information and orders he and his officers had replaced the Privy Seal .
17 Philip Baker prosecuting said : ‘ Dennett told the officers he had been drinking and his wife had called the police . ’
18 The fact that both Bush and his wife had contracted the disease ( a coincidence estimated at around one in 3,000,000 ) , together with the discovery in 1990 of lumpus ( another auto-immune disease ) in Bush 's dog , Millie , led to the initiation of tests on the drinking water in all houses used by the Bush family to see if there could be an environmental cause of their ailments .
19 , my new work colleague , took us to our new home where he and his wife had organised the house and furniture for us — all we had to do was unpack the 20 crates of personal belongings !
20 He and his uncle had visited the Governor in Asba Tafari and there they had been detained as hostages for the good behaviour of the Asaimara ; his uncle 's refusal to guarantee my safety in Bahdu had led to my recall .
21 Andy Roxburgh , the Scotland coach , broke the mould in the wake of Wednesday 's reverse in Paris by admitting both he and his players had to accept the blame for a defeat which jeopardises Scotland 's chances of playing in a fifth successive World Cup finals .
22 It had been a long day — twelve hours with Mobuto , eight of those in the United Nations building where Mobuto and his entourage had spent the day .
23 When he woke up his hair was in the soup and his head on the rim of the plate , and his hostess had left the table .
24 Joyce and his kind had given the Communists a ready argument for enlisting working-class Jews in an anti-Fascist crusade .
25 Hope walked across to one of the biggest stones and examined its blank surface close up with the most scrupulous attention until the Colonel and his ward had quit the field .
26 Andy and his partner had sold The Gadget Shop chain the previous year ; Andy was still thinking about what he wanted to do next — now he was rich — and was deep in the desert on a trans-Saharan expedition when Clare died .
27 Since Gatting and his troops had retained the Ashes just a few days beforehand , they were ready to take on all comers .
28 Hazel and his companions had spent the night doing everything that came unnaturally to them , and this for the first time .
29 Hubel and his colleagues had studied the visual cortex of the rhesus monkey for many years without observing these cells and it was only when the cytochrome oxidase blobs had been demonstrated consistently and they started to look for receptive-field properties within them that they obtained these surprising results .
30 The blood was oozing out from the tip of his boot and his face had turned the usual grey colour of the soldier who had been wounded .
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