Example sentences of "and [pron] [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mention Chiswick House today and everyone will think of the neo-Palladian Villa set in wonderful parkland , now all controlled by English Heritage , and famous as one of the finest examples of its kind in Britain , yet so close to the centre of London and with other interesting places close by .
2 And we called it the man-killer because we had ridge and furrow land down there , and this darn thing they was taking , and nothing would come over the top for ages , and suddenly the whole lot would come over on top of you , of course it as well , and you had to that 's what we were doing .
3 People got snappy , and nothing could compensate for the lack of leave .
4 The hostel was fairly close to town and no-one could complain about the prices .
5 ‘ Obviously it 's not good enough and I 'll decide over the next 48 hours what I am going to do .
6 it might be and I 'll go over the level crossing I 'll think , ooh that was a bit
7 Now what I want you to do is ask yourself do n't discuss it just write down for me and I 'll go round the table .
8 And I 'll go in the suit until we reach the ambush point .
9 Well I 'll probably be there at four and I 'll go in the village .
10 and then I 'll just go straight down there and I 'll meet outside the erm outside the
11 Come to work for me and I 'll forget about the money you owe me . ’
12 And I 'll think about the shirt .
13 It 's quite safe , and I 'll park around the corner . "
14 ‘ Then you go over to school , dear , ’ said Miss Fogerty , ‘ and I 'll see to the breakfast things . ’
15 And I 'll write about the strange talk I had with the Nielsen woman .
16 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
17 Ignore me , and I 'll cry in the night alone .
18 I would always plan on a day when I felt brave and I would walk into the drugstore and see who was behind the counter .
19 Ralemberg would sit with his wife in a flower-covered bower sharing a loving cup whilst Agnes and I would walk among the roses .
20 And I would rush to the window and look down and see you turning the corner to cross the square below , or walk round it to the hotel door .
21 An attacking partner would be ideal , and I would go for the left-handed Woolley , one of the most rapid-scoring or batsmen , particularly against fast bowling .
22 But after a week or so I was acclimatised , and I would laugh at the discomforts of half-asphyxiated visitors .
23 We would pick up supplies and I would continue with the wheelbarrow from where I had left off .
24 Er I think Michael has made the point er but could I just draw attention the regional erm the strategic and sub-regional policy point that erm I wished to emphasise er and I would refer to the Greater York study w e e of sixty one .
25 There was a seat against a sunny back wall , and I would come upon the couple sitting there looking out over the garden and their handiwork , planning in quiet voices what should be done next , the next moves .
26 I would place a great deal of emphasis on my own impressions , the comments of people in authority and I would focus on the key personalities in the ‘ drama ’ .
27 and my heart went some where else and I think erm , the , the marriage erm , the love in my marriage was definitely killed by an act which my partner did and I would fall into the crimes of passion I think because I mean to , to me he committed the deadly sin of all and that was adultery and I could never forgive him for that and I think that picks up on a lot , many issues which have been raised tonight about you have to have trust in a partnership , you have to give and take and people change and some people can accept all that but I was not willing to do so .
28 I agree with him and I would resign from the Conservative Party if it were anything else .
29 And in fact the intention would be in effect that this will in fact like greenbelt and I would point to the Harrogate District er Harrogate Rural Area Study and er that 's been submitted by Harrogate Council as an example of er showing that that is the precise intention of this sort of policy .
30 My mother has just arrived and I would say from the look of her she is all set to greet you as a long-lost child . ’
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