Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 I announced his name at Reception , and the girl rang up the guy and said , ‘ Your taxi 's here … . ’
2 He said nothing to his wife , but at the next new moon got into his boat and let the wind carry him eastwards until he reached the windswept isle of Bujan , where the grass grows green and the grapes hang on the wild vines .
3 I shifted into second , and the Discovery stormed up the slope with a roar of V8 power , only to slither to a halt halfway up , its front wheels sliding sideways on a sheet of ice and threatening the worst off-road fate of all — to be stuck across a slope .
4 The water is contained in a clear plastic tank and the steam comes down the thick tubes from the tank to the iron .
5 The stick and the fist backed up the array of legal powers .
6 The lock snapped and the detective levered up the bottom section .
7 ‘ Barmen all over the world acquired a fair percentage of my money , ’ Jimmy regrets ‘ And the rest went down the plughole with various business ventures . ’
8 We were in London for rehearsals at the Globe , and the actors put on the new play for the first time on the 29th of June , 1613 .
9 What they did was the nurses and the doctors took over the ward .
10 It also includes the skills of using books , such as using the contents and the index to track down the topics required .
11 Wings appear externally for the first time and the insect takes on the appearance of an adult .
12 The droughts make the chiggers unbearable and the floods bring out the rattlesnakes and copperheads … ’
13 And the officers took over the house .
14 Woman and the man went up the garden
15 The people choose the government and the government carries out the policies on which it fought the election and controls the Commons and civil service .
16 so you could pull it up and down and the effects went out the bottom of the tube , the tube came up like that and it came over , and like that and then the shade would be like that and then you could swing it round
17 And the stuff ripping out the front .
18 and er he saw the , he was with Trigger he says , he says keep calm , drinking calm , were in here my son , right , and er its the bit where he 's leaning on the bar and the bloke lifts up the bar and he just folds like a tonne of bricks sideways
19 When old Mother Jacobsen had unlimited time at her disposal and the opportunity to take up the strands from where she had laid them down the previous day or week , she embroidered her stories with meticulous and colourful detail .
20 The headlights of the taxi-van behind us flashed as it hit bumps in the road and the interior lit up the faces of the men in the van with me .
21 Will Bryan Robson , Roy Aitken and the boys come down the catwalk in gathered sleeves , button-down collars , funny geometric patches of colour , or even power-dressing shoulder pads ?
22 Sometimes he turned to talk to Grace , and the candlelight lit up the big brown eyes in his kind , old face .
23 This time , something like a Christian front emerged , albeit temporarily , and the campaign took on the character of a crusade , the so-called Crusade of Varna , under the blessing of Pope Eugenius IV .
24 She was extremely grateful and the course saw out the war in this fashion the camp never materialising .
25 Kathleen had never been one for jewellery and the amethyst picked up the heather mauve of Isabel 's new dress and even , she thought , gave something of a fresh nuance to her mist-blue eyes .
26 Nutty practised the crawl in her bath and the water dripped down the light cord in the dining-room below and collected in the glass bowl-shaped shade .
27 If his employer 's scheme has ‘ contracted out ’ , they must pay you half his guaranteed minimum pension , and the state makes up the difference .
28 It lays its eggs on nettle leaves and the caterpillars feed off the nettles until they form chrysalises .
29 Hopefully much will be computerised like the FAA 's at present , where the form and the ECG go down the phone line to America .
30 Usually the shop sells the goods , a finance company pays the shop , and the buyer pays back the finance house , usually in month instalments up to two-and-a-half years ; interest rate fixed at start .
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