Example sentences of "and [prep] the same [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 During a particular week the fisherman sells the farmer two fish at £4 per fish , and during the same week the farmer sells the fisherman eight loaves at £1 per loaf .
2 In the past , non-compliant equipment has been turned away at US ports , and in the same way the European market will also be closed to non-compliant goods .
3 The depths of the sea are always calm , however wild and stormy the surface ; and in the same way the expression in Greek figures reveals greatness and composure of soul in the throes of whatever passions .
4 A new tractor was bought in 1957 , the first for 30 years , and in the same year the Club lost one of its early members when E.A. ( Ted ) Batt died .
5 Following the 1892 Corporation take-over , in 1894 car 4 and others were reconstructed with separate trucks , and in the same year the first of four large Palace cars , seating 82 , was delivered .
6 Then in 1972 the BBC adopted digits for the technically demanding radio network , at that time being converted to stereo ; and in the same year the Nippon Columbia record company started mastering its records digitally .
7 E. Ray Lankester played a prominent role in the establishment of a similar laboratory at Plymouth in 1888 , and in the same year the Marine Biological Laboratory was formed at Woods Hole in the United States .
8 In 1927 Normand was appointed director-general of observatories in India , and in the same year the meteorological department moved to its new headquarters in Poona .
9 And in the same year the First Booke of Songes or Ayres of foure partes of the greatest of all English lutenists , John Dowland ( 1563–1626 ) , was printed ‘ with Tableture for the Lute : So made that all the parts together , or either of them severally may be song to the Lute , Orpherian [ a species of cittern , tuned like a lute ] or Viol de Gambo ’ , a confused description which conceals the condition that the highest part must be sung .
10 In 1856 qualifying examinations were introduced in Great Britain for both the foreign office and the diplomatic service ; and in the same year the Sardinian government specified a similar test ( three written papers , one of them in French , and three oral examinations ) .
11 And in the same period the government 's tax revenue has more than doubled to S$12.1bn .
12 9 Jun 65 saw both French and United States certification , and in the same month the new aircraft went on to establish two world records .
13 A third round of talks was held in May , and in the same month the first direct charter flight between the two countries was made [ p. 38191 ] .
14 He sprang up with a cry , and in the same moment the tent collapsed upon him , pinning him to the ground under its heavy folds , and the hammering rain held it there , flattened crushingly over his breast , moulding itself to every feature of his face , so that he was nearly suffocated .
15 The curfew was lifted on April 9 , and on the same day the opposition groups had a meeting with the King in which they affirmed their commitment to the establishment of " full democracy " .
16 After seven weeks of negotiations , involving the smaller right-wing and religious parties , the two main parties signed another coalition agreement on Dec. 22 , 1988 , and on the same day the new Cabinet , headed by the outgoing Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , won a vote of confidence in the Knesset .
17 The Spanish airline Iberia reported on March 22 that it had lost $276,000,000 during the year , and on the same day the Belgian government started a $563,000,000 rescue programme for the troubled national carrier Sabena .
18 The director of the prison was dismissed on July 24 and on the same day the Acting Commander of the Air Force , Gen. Hernando Monsalve , requested an immediate transfer , having been accused of incompetence over operations at the prison .
19 Fasting serum was collected for the determination of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one , and on the same day the γ emitting bile acid analogue SeHCAT was given orally and its fractional catabolic rate assessed by repeated external counting over the upper abdomen during the next seven days .
20 And at the same bit the muscle up here
21 A piercing whistle shrilled through the night air , and at the same instant the darkness was pierced by the white light of a bull's-eye lantern .
22 The shout echoed in the rocks and at the same moment the man saw me .
23 After that the torch was applied to a point on the Wheel and at the same moment the chocks were knocked away .
24 To start the saw , the starting lock at the top of the handle has to be pressed forwards and at the same time the trigger switch is squeezed .
25 It was a perfect passing away for both of them , and at the same time the most intolerable accession into being , the marvellous fullness of immediate gratification , overwhelming , outflooding from the source of the deepest life-force , the darkest , deepest , strangest life-source of the human body , at the back and base of the loins .
26 By these means there would be immediate recognition of the unity of purpose and co-operation between the Cambridge Board and the District and at the same time the work of the resident tutor would be facilitated .
27 The scheme was eventually adopted in 1838 , in preference to the Prussian plan to have the Prussian thaler used as the national currency for the whole of Germany , and at the same time the parities between the thaler and the South German florin were fixed .
28 As stated above production has almost halved since 1979 and at the same time the price of its premium Bonny light crude has fallen from $40 per barrel to $28.65 and is always threatened by the North Sea producers .
29 Comparison is difficult , but McClellan 's approach still seems the more deeply considered , and at the same time the more straightforward .
30 In the pre-1965 period a long run of higher than average precipitation allowed the spread northward of rain-fed cultivation , dominated by millet , and at the same time the increased populations placed more pressure on the vegetation for fuelwood .
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