Example sentences of "and [prep] the same [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And for the same reason Camel Lairds could not gain intervention funding .
2 Of course we might assume that in our stationary state every business remained always of the same size , and with the same trade connection .
3 It was launched on similar lines to L'Auberge , and with the same staffing structure .
4 And from the same cause Collections for some of the schemes of the Church have not been made .
5 ‘ Our young people have no idea of discipline or subordination ’ , said Dr Young , ‘ They would not subordinate themselves to anybody ’ , and before the same committee E. T. Campagnac and C. E. B. Russell recounted a similar state of affairs in Manchester .
6 In 1653 , after the remaining works had been completed by Dutch prisoners of war under Vermuyden 's direction , a service of thanksgiving was held in Ely Cathedral ; and in the same year Vermuyden was employed by his earlier adversary , the lord protector , on diplomatic missions to the Netherlands .
7 The first of their eight sons , Robert , was born in 1732 and in the same year Sutton returned to Kenton to start his own practice as surgeon and apothecary .
8 In 1981 a report to the European Parliament by P. de Keersmaeker of the European Commission expressed wholehearted support for the principle of a fixed link , and in the same year reports based on consultations with the Council of Europe 's Conference of Local and Regional Authorities came to a similar conclusion both about the fixed link and other gaps in the European network of trunk communications .
9 Bell visited Wordsworth in 1811 and in the same year William , Dorothy and Mary taught ‘ Madras ’ in the village school at Grasmere .
10 Runcorn ( 1964 ) , another sizeable township of 28,000 population , followed for Merseyside and in the same year Washington largely filled in the gap between South Tyneside and Sunderland .
11 In 1819 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acquired a permanent Asiatic desk , and in the same year Alexander I created an inter-ministerial body , the Asiatic Committee , to consider how Russia 's trade with the Orient could best be maintained and improved .
12 In 1652 John Hilton edited for Playford a ‘ choice collection ’ , Catch that Catch can , including many pieces from Ravenscroft as well as some delightful new catches by himself , William Lawes , and others , and in the same year Playford issued Select Musical Ayres and Dialogues by Lanier , John Wilson , Henry and William Lawes , and other former Court musicians .
13 In the Hexham vacancy of 1866 the diocesan chapter included him in its terna , and in the same year Henry Manning , archbishop of Westminster [ q.v. ] , suggested him to Rome as coadjutor archbishop of Sydney , Australia .
14 They were divorced in 1917 and in the same year Gilman married Sylvia Hardy , a former student at the Westminster School of Art .
15 Melchet Forest in Wiltshire finally passed out of the hands of the Crown in 1614 , when it was leased to Sir Lawrence Hyde , and in the same year John Waller and Thomas Purcell received a grant of Pamber Forest in Hampshire , ‘ consisting of the soil only , the woods being sold away and the deer gone ’ .
16 The grain was too complex and cross for him , the blade stuck , and in the same instant Isambard stretched both arms over the boy 's shoulders and seized his hands , forcing them apart and wringing them until he twisted with pain and let go both the knife and the wood .
17 As Elizabeth Roberts has remarked , older women will refer to the hardness of their lot as young wives and in the same breath claim that ‘ they were good times ’ .
18 When she saw them she was going to tell them about the tea and in the same breath demand to know what they had found and why Cobalt had anticipated finding anything in the Villa Fiesole .
19 The Russian village community belongs to the youngest type in this chain , ’ [ Hobsbawm , 142–3 ] , and in the same letter Marx goes on to refer to an ‘ all American author ’ as one of his authorities for such a statement .
20 Congressional elections were held in May 1990 [ see p. 37816 ] , and in the same month Balaguer , with some controversy and two recounts , was re-elected President [ see p. 37448 ] .
21 On the other hand , over half the holdings remained intact and in the same family possession .
22 However , the Supreme Council of National Security ( SCNS ) on Jan. 26 announced that all aircraft would be " confiscated " and their pilots kept in custody , stressing that " this policy would be applied to all parties which violate Iranian air , land or sea spaces " , and on the same day Baker confirmed that " we have been assured that Iran intends to remain totally neutral " .
23 The future of the Cossacks had also been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had appealed to SHAEF to take them over .
24 The future of " Chetniks " and " Croats " had been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had issued the " Distone order " to Eighth Army .
25 Kohl and the French President François Mitterrand had already appealed for emergency aid when they met in Assmannshausen on June 22 , and on the same day West Germany announced that it had agreed to guarantee a DM5,000 million ( approximately US$2,980 million ) loan to the Soviet Union . )
26 Twelve fishing rods were stolen from a garage on North Terrace , Ferryhill , on Wednesday and on the same day power and hand tools were stolen from a transit van parked on Ruby Avenue , Chilton .
27 A general strike was observed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on March 6 , and on the same day Israeli troops shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian during rioting near the West Bank village of Ramallah .
28 The United States , which like Germany had hitherto strongly favoured maintaining Yugoslav integrity , made it clear on July 2 that it did not support the use of force to preserve this integrity , and on the same day President Bush indicated in a letter to the recently installed ( Croat ) head of the Collective State Presidency , Stjepan Mesic [ see p. 38275 ] , that it would accept the republics ' independence if achieved peacefully .
29 She made a frantic gesture with the sharpened blades and at the same moment Rourke went into action .
30 Since a year last August scientists working on UA1 and UA2 have been putting the finishing touches to their apparatus , and at the same time machine physicists at CERN have been working to get a large enough number of collisions in the SPS .
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