Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 erm let me just let me just ask you first of all what is the value for you and for the company of of developing skills on presentations .
2 These new mines were large , each with 2000 men or more and with an output of about 1 000 000 tonnes of coal per year .
3 The trader would be obliged to make at least a bid in one of the generic runs and in a size of at least $5 million .
4 It has been recorded from both sides of the Atlantic ; in the west from the Gulf of Mexico north to the Davis Strait with a bathymetric range of 425–1244 m and in the east from off SE .
5 Japan 's four leading brokerages , Nomura , Daiwa , Nikko and Yamaichi , agreed to stop issuing new shares , convertible bonds and warrant bonds for Japanese companies both in Tokyo and in the Euromarkets for at least a month .
6 The CD databases such as Lotus One Source are more user friendly than on line databases and without the pressure of on line time costs it is easier to give careful consideration to the search strategy .
7 , QC , and on the birth of on .
8 , engineer , and on the birth of on .
9 , engineer and on the birth of on .
10 ( packer ) and on the arrival of on .
11 As a point of reference it will be assumed that for a supernova collapse the gravitational waves carry off a total energy of in a burst of milliseconds length and at a frequency of about I kHz .
12 For five years — and at a cost of at least £150,000 — the council has tried unsuccessfully to reach agreement with Mervyn Sweet , of Chapel Farm , to protect the meadows .
13 On re-establishing the climb and at a height of between 100 and 200 feet a third flock was seen , again directly ahead .
14 And by the end of about a month , the guy I was assigned to work with refused to work with me because I was always cracking jokes — he said ‘ I 'm not going to work with you , if you crack one more joke I 'm going to the supervisor . ’
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