Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 And as a prime factor in public discussion , the Echo must make a decision about its own views . ’
2 His first-rate performances — in Hotel in New Hampshire , and as a retarded man in Square Dance — were largely unhonoured , and his many other movies were n't hot , Worse , he had to scrabble out from a confusion of drink , drugs and sexual adventure that had finally landed him in the tabloids and the jokebooks .
3 Where the late Victorian perception of youth emphasized their social identity — religion , leisure , discipline , character — the Edwardian perception , while accepting the significance of the social ( and elaborating upon it ) , in addition gave working-class youth an economic identity which was important in itself , and as a conditioning factor in the development of the citizen .
4 After short periods as a lecturer in mathematics at King Alfred 's Teacher Training College in Winchester and as a technical researcher in aircraft vibration for de Havilland , he joined the Meteorological Office as a technical officer in 1938 , where he served as a weather forecaster in fighter and reconnaissance groups .
5 Historically , Karajan is a conductor of pivotal significance , steeped as a child and as a young man in music-making of the great Austro-German tradition , but the first great conductor to be reared in the twentieth century 's brave new technological age .
6 His earliest sporting interests were as a co-founder of the Worcester Rugby Football Club and as a penny-farthing cyclist in 1876 .
7 At Universal , she found herself painfully opposite the eponymous talking mule in Francis Joins The Wacs ( 1954 ) and as the female lead in Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Cops , ( 1955 ) but had delightful moments in Has Anybody Seen My Gal ? ( 1952 ) singing ‘ The Red Red Robin ’ while bobbing around doing the housework .
8 When he was joined in the Test team by Desmond Haynes , one of the most dependable and successful of all opening partnerships was created , and as the senior member in his late twenties Greenidge matured at just the right time .
9 It later saw service in the Napoleonic wars and as an anti-aircraft point in this century .
10 A third , more general topic , is an assessment of Lord Balogh 's impact on economic policy both as an unofficial adviser to the Labour Party in the immediate postwar years and as an official adviser in the 1960s .
11 As just one example , beer might be seen as a soft drink in some countries ( around the Mediterranean ) and as an alcoholic drink in others .
12 It has been used for many years in traveller 's diarrhoea , as a colostomy deodoriser , and as an antispirochetal agent in syphilis .
13 I could n't spell and about the only time in your life you 're not allowed to use a dictionary is in an English ‘ O ’ level exam . ’
14 There was a need for a Bible in the English tongue and for a new liturgy in English which would clearly indicate the Church 's disbelief in Purgatory , pilgrimages , and in transubstantiation .
15 At the secondary level , the report continued , pupils should study in addition a modern language and the curriculum of all pupils should include what is called ‘ preparation for adult and working life ’ , a varied programme of activities incorporating craft , design and technology , history and geography , moral education , health education , and ‘ preparation for parenthood and for a participatory role in adult society ’ .
16 ND argued for more free-market economic policies and deep cuts in government spending , while Pasok and Synaspismos called for the preservation of welfare provisions and for a higher productivity in the public sector .
17 She taught briefly in schools in Liverpool , Oban , and Eastbourne , and for a longer period in Tunbridge Wells , but eventually returned to Inverness to keep house for her invalid father , whom she outlived by only two years .
18 In the Midlands it is the tree one sees most often : and for a brief spell in early sum-mer it is the most beautiful of all the Midland trees , with its continuous miles of white may blossom glimmering as far as the eye can see .
19 For an application to be an application for the renewal of a licence , it must be in respect of premises where there is a licence already in force and for a further grant in the form of that licence .
20 According to the Peruvian press , however , the budget bill had allowed for a 300 per cent increase in Fujimori 's own salary and for a 17-fold increase in spending by the presidential office .
21 Our consciousness merge , one with the other and for a fleeting moment in time , it touches the unmanifested half in the other , creating an inner union of perfection .
22 The Liberal Democrats , hoping to build upon their recent local election results , and for a larger split in the Conservative vote , arrived for the count in buoyant mood .
23 As their education and knowledge increase they are pressing more and more each year for better social conditions and for a larger share in the fruits of industry .
24 This is the motion that says that the Apex conference would be able to debate issues of a general nature which are appropriate for this Congress , the decision making body of the union and for no other conference in the union .
25 I have expressed a general thanks to all counsel but special thanks should be recorded to the Official Solicitor and to Mr. Michael Nicholls of his department for the rapid response to my cry for help and for the superb way in which the Official Solicitor and Mr. Butler , who holds his brief , have responded .
26 The neglect of these important questions to which Keynes attempted to provide answers could , to some extent , account for the recent disenchantment with the Keynesian approach to macroeconomic theory and for the parallel reaction in the form of the rise of new classical macroeconomics .
27 The margin of 425 runs was the largest runs victory West Indies have had over England , and for the only time in Test cricket Extras had a bigger match aggregate ( 44 ) than any batsman .
28 And his quality show earned the praise of manager Steve Gritt , who said : ‘ That is the best all-round performance I 've seen from him and for the second game in succession he 's earned us a draw . ’
29 The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket .
30 They arrived in Liverpool after an uneventful railway journey and for the second time in three months Cam walked along the dock wall looking for the Langdale ; but now there was confidence in his stride and eagerness in his face .
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