Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She has served as a student counsellor with the Education and Training Department and as deputy director of practice regulation she played a major role in setting up the new regulations for financial services business and audit .
2 History graduates find employment in a wide variety of careers including teaching , central and local government , museum and library work , journalism and public relations , and as management trainees in industry and retailing .
3 Specific programs were written to produce regular statistical analyses and as management tools for use during the annual pay review process .
4 The range of the assay was 20 to 4000 µg/l and within and between batch coefficients of variation were 3.4% and 6.1% respectively .
5 The range of the assay was 0.1 to 10.0 mg/l and within and between batch coefficients of variation were 2.4% and 4.9% respectively .
6 The usual order is judgment for arrears of rent to date of termination of the tenancy , and for mesne profits to date of hearing and thereafter mesne profits at a daily rate and ( almost invariably calculated by reference to the rent ) from the date of hearing until actual possession is given up .
7 It laid down provisions for third world states to benefit from technology transfer and financial aid to help them preserve key areas , and for compensation payments in return for extraction of their genetic resources ( seen as referring in particular to the exploitation of the gene bank of tropical forests by biotechnology companies ) .
8 Haringey Black Action was then set up to oppose such reactionary politics , and , together with Positive Images , organized a successful demonstration through the centre of Haringey and through North Tottenham in defence of black lesbians and gays , and against racism and bigotry .
9 In the second case , how the discourses are constructed is seen as an integral part of the power which they exercise in and through material practices of discrimination .
10 Avoiding direct superpower military confrontation , it was fought through intense propaganda , which deeply penetrated the domestic societies of both the United States and the Soviet Union , and through proxy wars in South-East Asia , Central and South America , and Afghanistan .
11 The differences in binding characteristics of the DNA binding domains of the homologous VZV 140k and HSV-1 Vmw175 IE proteins may account for the subtle differences in their regulatory activities in transfection assays and during virus growth in tissue culture .
12 After a long campaign by " dry " organizations like the Anti-Saloon League ( founded 1895 ) and after wartime pressures for sobriety and wartime hostility to the brewers , who were mostly of German descent , three-quarters of the states had supported the Amendment .
13 A before and after impact study of phase 1 of Greater Manchester Metrolink
14 A theme raised in recent studies is that of women 's consciousness : in the classic form of class consciousness ( Hunt , 1980 ; Porter , 1978a , b ) and of gender consciousness within class , within work and trade unions ( Cunnison , 1983 ; Wajcman , 1983 ) .
15 There 's an 18 hole golf course that 's held in high regard by professionals , stables where treks head for the hills , tennis courts , mountain bikes , and of course mile after mile of wonderful alpine scenery to walk or run through .
16 We are just behind Battyburn and Villa ( 9.6 + 9.5 stlgm respectively ) and of course way behind Scum ( stlg12.2m ) and Arse .
17 A carp is quite happy on a high protein diet because it utilises some for tissue repair , construction of its own complex molecules such as enzymes and of course growth by addition of new body protein .
18 The parting may also coincide with other types of change , such as children leaving home and friends moving away , and of course retirement from work .
19 We ha we have to look at the environmental consequences , you stick a barrage that size across erm a large er river system you 've got to ask what happens upstream erm and of course Bristol for example is a port , how to get the ships in and out is another problem but er these are being considered at the moment and there 's quite a lot of mo money going into , into studies but no commitment yet as to actually , to actually build it .
20 The spatial outcome of increasing socio-political polarization was an increase in the contrasts of wealth and of constituency voting between North and South , and between urban and rural areas .
21 The planktonic larvae are , in short , adapted to planktonic life ; those of echinoderms and of gastropod molluscs for example have bands of cilia ( whip-like projections of the cell ) to drive them along .
22 The vulgar Miller intrudes , and , with his fabliau and the nature of the genre and of fabliau language in mind , we can find some amusement in contemplating the possible sexual reading of " " unbokeled is the male " " , " the purse is unbuckled " , a vulgarity that the Host , playing the role given him at this point , would no doubt have considered excluded from his words .
23 Its honours for impresarios and maverick businessmen — what The Times called examples of ‘ unrepentant Darwinism , of the business survival of the fittest and of nature red in tooth and claw ’ — so appalled them and the Palace that it took several weeks for approval to be obtained .
24 A further dimension concerns the implications of acceptance and of market potential for supply industries .
25 We could even put together a pretty good team of M.A.s , and with M.A. Robinson at No. 11 , Devon Malcolm would be in no danger of retaining his title of ‘ possibly the worst No. 11 in Test cricket today ’ .
26 In Japan there are negative correlations with per cent of research and with production involvement in design , which may relate to the tentative hypothesis offered about the negative correlations with technical success .
27 On offer are over 150 clubs and societies ranging from Gliding to Gilbert and Sullivan and from Animal Welfare to Chess .
28 First , because of the differing seeds and the differing parameters , what is a good performance ( in terms of realized profit ) varies from seed to seed and from parameter pair to parameter pair .
29 The informatics graduate can expect to be at the forefront of the development of new software products and tools or to follow a career in developing technology applications for a range of areas — from industry to the public sector and from health care to agriculture .
30 The range of the assay was 3 to 180 mg/l and between and within batch coefficients of variation were 5.0 and 2.7% respectively .
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