Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He felt that Balbinder needed to work slowly and not be pushed — he needed more time and specific help to speak in sentences .
2 Even before he finished speaking a caped and hooded figure appeared at Ivy 's shoulder , the door was wrenched open and a powerful torch shone into their faces .
3 Again the root of the problem was perceived to be the cultivators or pastoralists themselves , and that blame originated from land use by them under their own free will .
4 Now , since consciousness is adapted to the practical needs of society and that society divides into subsocieties which have a different type of existence , it follows that these different subsocieties develop their own consciousness .
5 Yet in one sense even the United States might be said to have been part of an economic system controlled by Europe down to 1914 in that she remained a capital-importing nation , and that capital came from Europe .
6 And that success led to television programmes about advertising , pages in the quality press about the media world , and , of course , the image that it is all Porsches , champagne and fun .
7 The demand functions may therefore be written where we have taken account of the fact that Y is the numeraire and that utility depends on w , r and L D .
8 Her first impulse was to run away , to run blindly anywhere , as fast as she could go , because the cry quite certainly came from the direction in which the dilapidated signpost was pointing — and that signpost pointed to DANGER .
9 Juvenile age classes showed a much greater range of variation than the adults , and that variation decreased with age until only those of the parental form survived as recruits into the adult population .
10 They were disliked by those whose ideal was a more flexible school , even if they were unclear about the means of attaining it , and that dislike extended to arrangements which classified children by ability , placing he more and the less able in separate streams .
11 The relationships are not named but it might be that STUDENT takes COURSE and that STUDENT has as tutor ACADEMIC STAFF .
12 These results suggest that IL2 and IFN-γ could enhance colonic epithelial cell injury mediated by the ADCC mechanism in ulcerative colitis and that ADCC enhanced by cytokines is restored by PSL treatment .
13 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
14 It has been said over and over again that pupils need to gain confidence , and that confidence comes from success .
15 If we say , you see , that the function of the dream is to safeguard sleep , and to fulfil wishes , then it 's clear that in the real world not all wishes are fulfillable and it may well be that , that the latent thoughts , in some cases , is so alarming and so disturbing , that they can not be sufficiently disguised and will lead to a state of waking , and that waking proves of course that the dream has failed in its function of safeguarding sleep .
16 And that train left on time ! ’ she flung accusingly .
17 Union officials representing manual workers say they ’ hope the company will be run in an efficient and proper manner … that employment and pension rights will be maintained … and that production stays in Gloucestershire .
18 One of the persistent misconceptions about professional work in the human service occupations is that it mainly takes place face to face with clients or patients and that time spent with others about the client or patient is a necessary but regrettable adjunct to the real work .
19 It is interesting to note that the correlation between objective and subjective risk measured by Watts & Quimby ( 1980 ) is of a similar magnitude to the correlation between estimated risk and objective risk reported by Brehmer ( 1987 ) — Brehmer in fact uses the term subjective risk , however , in this study subjects were not actually driving or even simulating it , thus it seems more appropriate to regard this as estimated risk .
20 The extent of this popular support is all the more remarkable , given the devastating economic and political damage inflicted on Palestinians as a result of the Gulf crisis .
21 In all these intricate ways , the press became the channel par excellence through which political debate was to be conducted and political society came into existence and survived .
22 The emotional and political stability afforded to Nizan by his entry to the PCF in 1927 needs to be examined in the light of other factors influencing his personal development at this time .
23 Already in 1957 Roland Barthes was claiming that ‘ today it is the colonized peoples who assume the full ethical and political condition described by Marx as being that of the proletariat ’ .
24 Painting and innovative photography predominate in work such as Helen Chapman 's illuminated portrait of her brain , and Paul Graham 's probing analysis of the destruction of the Berlin Wall .
25 Scarcely worth mentioning at this stage is a rather pointless and uninformative letter sent to Sir Daniel Fleming by Will Kirkland on the 22 May 1692 .
26 Alcohol misuse is more likely to come to light via marital disputes , repeated driving offences , accidents , absenteeism and progressive inability to cope at work .
27 The programme designed for schools to examine all aspects of the overt and covert curriculum begins with reflection on Catholic school philosophy and goals .
28 The only other study that made corrections for pyloric loss and duodenogastric reflux came to conclusions that are the same as ours .
29 Many Sussex heathlands have become invaded by woodland , the silver birch and Scots pine predominating with rhododendron ( Rhododendron ponticum ) being common , and at a later stage sessile oak becomes dominant .
30 Hamburg is one of Germany 's largest ports , yet it 's also a green and spacious city crisscrossed by waterways .
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