Example sentences of "be why [pron] do [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 What puzzles me is why we do n't do the obvious and go and find him .
2 This is why we do n't test at the ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent confidence level because the higher you 'll , the smaller the probability making a type one error essentially er is significance level , right the larger the probability will make a type two error , right , a type two error denotes the power of the test .
3 ‘ We choose children who will fully appreciate this trip , which is why we do n't select those who are blind .
4 Which is why we do n't use D for distance .
5 This is why we do not want to abandon the term inner city , either analytically or politically , only to ground it in the academic debates which have reproduced it conceptually , the political debates that have refashioned it discursively and , most significantly , the social injustices and inequalities that lend the term its emotive power and mobilising force .
6 In fact , the convictions these arguments try to explain are the product of the second approach , of a deep personification of political and social community , and that is why they do not challenge the Kantian thesis that no one is to blame for what he has not himself done .
7 Well well that is why he do n't need to put anything in his ears .
8 I 'd guess this is why you do n't want to make love — you feel this is the only reason he needs you .
9 What I do not understand is why you do n't love me . ’
10 which is why you do n't see a voltage at the same leg really
11 This is why I do n't think it sensible to have a separate procedure for it , 'cos it 's so simple .
12 Which is why I do n't feel sorry for the poor . ’
13 That is why I do not bother to change when he calls .
14 That 's why they do n't sack people like that .
15 That 's why they do n't go anywhere you see .
16 Yeah that 's why they do n't come and visit us or visit his brother very often .
17 You said that 's why they do n't need three people in their team .
18 That 's why they do n't let you have the Walkman .
19 That 's why they do n't sell any more ?
20 I do n't think so no I do n't think so at all that 's why they do n't call anybody back .
21 Those guys have been spoon-feeding this pure shit to their audience for so long , that that 's why they do n't have an attention span !
22 Al-Liwa does n't make any money , that 's why they do n't have many permanent staff . ’
23 That 's why we do n't go there .
24 No , that 's why , that 's why we do n't want to get rid of it to anyone , just in case they chop it up
25 And that 's why we do n't make money on carriage forwards cos we do n't sell carriage forwards for the positive reasons , we say , well if they do n't want them send them back , or if they 're damaged send them back .
26 And our belief is that we 've got money to pay you that 's why we do n't delay in paying you .
27 That 's why he do n't know when he 's gon na get round to see Kevin .
28 Well that 's why she do n't need to go to work in n it ?
29 That 's why you do n't want to go to the police .
30 ‘ Are you saying that 's why you do n't want to take Silvia on ?
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