Example sentences of "be made in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He enjoyed telling it because his first attempt , to Franco , had been made in a desperate sort of pidgin-Italian .
2 A preliminary attempt to develop a science of ‘ geocybernetics ’ has been made in a little-known paper by Polonskiy ( 1963 ) …
3 It reflected the growing problem of how to deal with surplus manpower once peace had been made in a major theatre of war .
4 The answer is probably that workers come a lot cheaper in China , but the money they have saved that way could surely have been doubled in extra sales — not to mention saving on shipping costs — if they had been made in a British factory .
5 The body and the upper stand seem to have been made in a single casting .
6 Similar radical changes have been made in the central committee , with 20 old faces going , including the deputy Foreign Minister , Mr Ivan Ganev .
7 I REFER to Coun Groves ' letter ( HAS March 9 ) concerning the so-called inaccurate statements reputed to have been made in the Labour Party leaflet in the run-up to the Willington East by-election .
8 ‘ It is apparent that a step has been made in the right direction … the property will soon be entirely under comparatively well-to-do tenants .
9 Their studies have also led to some surprising conclusions concerning chronology : Jacopo Bellini 's Paris album they have argued , contrary to most of the literature , precedes the London album , which they date to 1460–70 ; they have been able to date Paolino Veneto 's Map of Venice in the Marciana Library precisely to around 1328 , when previously it was thought to have been made in the second half of the century .
10 A first attempt has now been made in the Criminal Justice Act 1991 to remedy this omission ( see below ) , but the fact that sentencers have had to wait so long for such a lead is evidence of a serious weakness in the self-regulatory capacity of the Court of Appeal itself .
11 This gives the impression that a tiny error has been made in the Grand Design .
12 Attempts have also been made in the Soviet Union to strengthen democratic control of administration by augmenting the authority of elected deputies to exercise an ombudsman-like role ( Hill , Dunmore and Dawisha 1981 , p. 213 ) .
13 An encouraging start to this has been made in the recent establishment of the Churches ' Initiative for Music Education ( CHIME ) .
14 The suggestion of a ‘ social contract ’ between States had already been made in the first half of the seventeenth century by Grotius .
15 But how do you find out about whether a planning application has been made in the first place ?
16 Nonetheless an effort has been made in the final chapter to draw some conclusions about the contemporary impact of changes that have occurred .
17 In the various judgments that have been made in the High Court by Mr. Justice Brown , no contempt was found against officials or my hon. Friend for what is called phase 1 and phase 2 .
18 By s 45 of the Act where an action or matter is transferred from the High Court to a county court , and no order to the contrary has been made in the High Court , the costs of the proceedings prior thereto are in the discretion of the county court judge , and will be taxed in the county court upon such scale , whether of the High Court or county court , as the judge thinks just ( a statement to the contrary can be found on p 868 of the County Court Practice , 1991 but this has been adjudged incorrect : Forey v London Buses Ltd ( 1991 ) 2 All ER 936 ) .
19 There is , moreover , one piece of evidence which appears to put beyond question the pre-eminence of Fahreddin Acemi in the period following the conquest , namely the circumcision celebration for Mehmed II's two sons , held in Edirne in 861/1457 , to which reference has already been made in the previous chapter .
20 Parliament granted a tax of a sixteenth , and in return it was promised that the perambulations of Edward I should be confirmed , and that new perambulations should be made before Christmas in the forests where they had not been made in the previous reign .
21 The 1979 Act once again puts the law into one statute by incorporating all the amendments which had been made in the original Act .
22 I wish that the hon. Gentleman and his colleagues would stop running down the improvements that have been made in the national health service .
23 A contemporary Shirvan rug , for example ( pl. 24 ) , may have been made in the Shirvan area — now part of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan — but it could just as easily have come from any of the Soviet weaving centres producing Caucasian-style rugs .
24 The audio connections are made in a similar way to that used for an audio dub , except that the source-machine is now a camcorder ( or a VCR ) .
25 End-feed capillary fittings are made in a similar way : when the fitting has been heated , the blowlamp is removed and solder ‘ touched ’ to the exposed end .
26 Solvent-weld joints are made in a similar way to that described for plastic ( uPVC ) water pipe in Chapter 2 .
27 So decisions are made in a bio-chemical fashion as to which is more immediately necessary .
28 There seems to the writer little doubt that unemployment due to automation will grow steadily over the next few decades , perhaps centuries , and in the end it is likely to reach a very high figure , say ninety per cent of the labour force , unless radical changes are made in the present pattern of working .
29 To the east of Taunton are the ‘ withy ’ beds from which hard-wearing and attractive willow baskets and furniture are made in the traditional manner .
30 The clothes are made in the Far East .
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