Example sentences of "be made [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has been made possible with the support and co-operation of the works manager who is keen to see the locomotive back in working order for the open day .
2 I am certain that the transition could only have been made possible through the dedication ( If those Mr Chips at Halton , who gave their entire working life to the charges of all their students , Men like A.C.K. Kermode , Whittaker , Latimer Needham , Pillars , B.A. Smith and last but not least my dear friend the maths master .
3 The appointment , which will be for two years in the first instance , has been made possible by the University of London 's Academic Initiative Scheme .
4 The elections , the first on a multiparty basis since 1964 , had been made possible by the success of opposition delegates at the earlier national conference [ see pp. 37307 ; 37445 ] in winning concessions on political reform .
5 It had been made possible by the officers of the Vezarat-e Ettelaat Va Amniyat-e Kishvar , the Ministry of Intelligence and Internal Security , who kept detailed files on all Iranian exiles throughout the world , whether or not they supported the new Islamic order .
6 For each of the four sub-groups of Games and Sports , Aquatics , Outdoor Pursuits and Dance greater continuity and progression has been made possible by the introduction of five modules extending from the very basic introductory level to performance , tactical awareness , and knowledge and understanding commensurate with good club standards .
7 This transformation has been made possible by the growth of finance capitalism and the cohesion between the economic and political organisations of the bourgeoisie .
8 This has been made possible by the use of Scandinavian databases , available via SCANNET , and the negotiation of special cheaper rates with systems operators and database producers who are concerned with marketing their products to potential future users .
9 " Coventry 's tenants are the worst in the country , " blurted out a Coventry councillor , But when some of his colleagues on the council , together with fellow Labour Party activists , surveyed the extent to which repairs correctly reported had been made good by the council on several large estates , they found that 70 per cent had not been carried out .
10 When the product selection has been made some options for managing records may have been made impossible by the operating environment or application software .
11 I can also tell him that urban aid of £9.7 million has been made available over the years for homelessness projects in Scotland .
12 This chair has been made available under the initiative of the Universities Funding Council New Academic Appointments Scheme ( NAAS ) from 1 September 1990 .
13 I am not aware of the point that the hon. Gentleman raises but , as he knows , a tremendous amount of support has been made available through the Home Office and other sources to assist members of the ethnic minorities in this country .
14 Furthermore , my hon. Friend the Member for Richmond and Barnes ( Mr. Hanley ) has added £2.6 million to this year 's budget for occupational therapy , and about £500,000 has been made available to the Newry and Craigavon area .
15 Confidence is particularly important during the development of inventions before they are granted patents because a patent will be refused if details of the invention have been made available to the public , as we shall see .
16 Section 2 of the Act expands on the meaning of " new " and says that an invention is new if it does not form part of the " state of the art " ; this expression comprises all matter which has been made available to the public in the United Kingdom or elsewhere , by written or oral description , by use or in any other way .
17 Applications submitted to HMIP have been made available to the public and other regulatory bodies for comment .
18 This was in 1976 , when the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons was refused access to a programme analysis and review ( PAR ) study on educational planning which had been made available to the organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) and referred to at length in one of their publications .
19 Over the last 12 months or so a new microwave product has been made available to the caterer — the combination microwave .
20 The presiding ‘ judge ’ begins by referring to the case ( he need not read it out if copies have been made available to the audience ) ; then he says : ‘ I call upon Mr/Miss X ’ ( the leading counsel for the appellant , who sits upon the judge 's left — that is to say , what the judge sees as his left ) .
21 Additional funds have been made available for the purpose and , accordingly , the reforms — including the establishment of trusts — cause no adverse effects on the hospital maintenance programme .
22 With the recent introduction of Standard Grade and Revised Higher Grade , special budgets have been made available for the purchase of all the additional apparatus needed for the very attractive , modern courses .
23 Co-ordinator Pam McHale said £14,500 had been made available for the Streetlink scheme and that approval was expected for another nine schemes over the next week .
24 The two other presidential candidates , Alfonso Santos of the Christian Democratic Front and Guadalupe de Seita , an independent , announced at the end of February that they were withdrawing from the ballot , complaining that government funds had been made available for the Trovoada campaign .
25 At Lindholme prison in Doncaster , once-weekly two-hour sessions take place in a room that has been made available within the library and comfortably furnished with easy chairs and a coffee table .
26 It had originally been intended to limit the survey to two areas , but additional funding to enlarge the sample has been made available by the DTI , with whom the results will be discussed in detail .
27 They had no subsistence plots to fall back on , some tried reviving traditional handicrafts but these could not compete with the manufactured goods that had been made available by the market system .
28 If the changes revealed by this comparison have not been made prior to the audit commencing , this could be the reason for the failure to meet the target levels of attainment .
29 Representations had been made prior to the passage of the legislation , but the court held that the minister was still under a duty to act fairly in the way in which he exercised his discretion under the legislation .
30 If the family has decided on cremation , the undertaker will need a further form , so this decision needs to have been made prior to the visit to the Registrar .
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