Example sentences of "be now [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 're now getting off the bus .
2 My Lord yes , er there 's just , we 're now dealing with the officers that went into the flat and conducted the operation and then there 's one W P C who comes after that to give some evidence but then that 's it .
3 But they 're now ca , they 're now catching up they 're now putting on the label its proper name .
4 Today pensioners from Nuffield Press in Cowley and Hazel , in Aylesbury were amoung hundreds lobbying Parliament , with the shortfall affecting up to two hundred people in the region they 're now turning to the government for help .
5 Right , colleagues , we 're now going to the Energy and Utilities debate and er I 'd like to propose that we do it in the following fashion .
6 Colleagues we 're now going to the transport debate and there are five motions listed here .
7 I am now working with the Chairman , with external advisers , to make sure the principles of the design of the new structure and a vision for each part are further developed .
8 And they are now getting to the point where they are are popular as the folders in terms of
9 Both managers are now getting towards the stage at which they have got to produce something and quickly .
10 Sales were focused first on the East Coats , then the West Coast and are now spreading to the Gulf of Mexico , pulling in new business — currently worth about £1 million a year — at a time when marine growth is static .
11 Too many signs to ignore are now pointing towards the dawning of a new era in which the dominant hold exercised by the Home Office over the system of criminal justice , the connecting thread of this book , may be lessened if not relinquished altogether .
12 We are now looking at the idea of team appraisals instead of appraising individuals .
13 Those at the conference table are not Palestine Liberation Organisation representatives working out of Tunis but people who actually live in the occupied territories , who have been deprived of their homeland , as they see it , and who are now looking to the future and trying to negotiate some kind of settlement .
14 We are now living with the law of the jungle .
15 One facile explanation is that with the eradication of the infectious fevers people are living longer , and so are now living into the age groups where chronic diseases start to manifest themselves .
16 In real terms , this means 20,000 software professionals are now living in the region , while another 7,000 or so students are studying software-related disciplines in Scotland 's 12 universities .
17 Some further strengthening of the environmental obligation that we and the European Commission 's directives are now laying on the promoters of private Bills should be introduced by not giving a promoter the last word .
18 In this case the misgivings appear to be unfounded , but it does highlight the need for adequate controls on such experiments , both from a national and international perspective , since it is always possible that genetic engineering firms , which are now proliferating in the USA , Japan and northwest Europe , will turn to those , usually developing countries , where regulations are not as strict as those of , for example , the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) in the USA .
19 There are still roughly the same amount of people who do get drunk and create a problem , but we are now dealing with the street offences they cause at two or three o'clock rather than ten till midnight . ’
20 His publishers are now aiming at the US market , and Hutson is touring America next year to promote Heathen .
21 The Palestinians are now calling for the return to the area of 4 million Palestinian people from the diaspora .
22 My hon. Friend will also be aware that a number of counties are now calling for the abolition of the area cost adjustment .
23 Campaigners are now calling on the government to destroy the country 's stockpile of rhino horns , estimated at between five and 10 tonnes , or the equivalent of 2,000-4,000 dead rhinos .
24 As time goes by it is likely to find itself under increasing pressure , for the glossy men are now moving into the petrology field too .
25 Labour councils , desperate to avoid the final sanction — a sale of goods in a debtor 's home — are now agonising at the prospect of taking legal action against their own supporters .
26 However I notice that Wyre Borough Council workmen are now fencing off the area immediately around the swings etc .
27 However , researchers are now working on the theory that heat and digestive enzymes are necessary for the production of the substances which are active in promoting health .
28 More than sixty officers are now working on the inquiry , coardinated from this incident room at Milton Keynes police station .
29 We and our advisors are now working with the Department of Trade and Industry and its advisors to determine the optimum way forward .
30 The majority of these women have remained unemployed and are now working for the opposition movement in a variety of ways .
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