Example sentences of "be so [adj] as [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the regulations are so framed as to give the directors an unfettered discretion the court will interfere with it only on proof of bad faith and since the directors will not be bound to disclose either their grounds or their reasons , the difficulty of discharging the onus of proof is especially great .
2 These interpretations have met some opposition on two main counts : very few of the presumed terraces have beach material on them and they are so fragmentary as to rouse the criticism that their interpretation is at times subjective rather than objective .
3 Let us discuss what his ransom should be , since you are so generous as to entertain the possibility , and I will get for you full assurance that he shall be restrained from ever infringing your territory or your person again .
4 In contrast , amounts of methylated oligonucleotide in lane 3 are so large as to cause an extended area of blurred , saturated blackening of the film .
5 Historical analysis suggests that the argument that the perspectives of dominant groups are so pervasive as to permit no alternative or popular forms of representation is untenable ( Abercrombie , Hill and Turner 1980 ) .
6 Very few are so unmusical as to have no music at all within them , and all of us are surrounded by it for much of the time .
7 In Pembroke or south-west Ireland the chief physical features are the drowned valleys or rias , which are so dominant as to cause the shoreline to be classed immediately as one of submergence .
8 Could Filmer have been so stupid as to get the horses ' names wrong in addition to the cities ?
9 It was widely held that the Koreans would not be ready for independence when the war ended : memories of the closing phase of the Yi dynasty did not inspire confidence in Korean ability for effective government and the era of Japanese dominance had been so repressive as to necessitate a period of readjustment .
10 Rather than once again review the authorities in chronological order , therefore , I propose to encapsulate their effect in a number of propositions which can , I believe , be so stated as to reflect the law as it is presently understood with a reasonable degree of accuracy .
11 ‘ Now if the Major would be so good as to arrange a workroom , I can have the suit finished in a couple of hours . ’
12 I shall be obliged to you if you will be so good as to let the bearer have my copy of the last year 's Transactions , in which you will greatly oblige , Sir , your most humble servant , Philip Miller .
13 ‘ Perhaps if you could be so good as to slip the jacket off , Major , we might complete the hanging of the trousers ? ’
14 Mr. Leapor has put down a Grave-Stone in Memory of his Daughter ; and I should be glad if any of the ingenious Gentlemen you mention would be so good as to write a few Lines to be put upon it
15 Now , it may or not me noticeable if it 's a minor alteration in the surface geometry then it may be so slight as to make no difference in the way it performs so if , for example , it 's an enzyme it may not affect it at all .
16 In unfavourable circumstances erosion may be so great as to tear a gap through the dunes , such a feature being described as a blow out .
17 Or — another possibility — the curvature might be so great as to make the Universe close back on itself .
18 The discussions themselves should vary widely in topic , but should be so planned as to involve the display of evidence , and the development and probing of both argument and evidence .
19 At times , these images may be so powerful as to demand an immediate response .
20 US linguists Sapir and Whorf who investigated the Hopi Indian language in the 1930s believed it to be so distinctive as to represent an entirely different thought process .
21 I would not be so ungallant as to doubt the word of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East today , but given the pressure that Labour Members placed on that Bill , a serious question mark would hang over any Labour Secretary of State who did not give way to pressure regarding the timetabling of a public inquiry procedure and who did not take some time to allow the result to be published or deliberated on .
22 Killing things for fun seems to me to be so immoral as to warrant no discussion at all .
23 Bridges across the River Thames were gradually being constructed , but the one nearest to the estuary had to be so constructed as to permit the tall ships entering the London Docks , to pass under , so the Tower Bridge was designed and opened in June of 1894 .
24 He must now ask whether , given that drivers must insure anyway , it would be more or less expensive to force potential victims to insure against emotional injury in the very special circumstances of Mrs. McLoughlin 's case , and he might well decide that splitting the risk in this particular way would be so inefficient as to offset the gains from assigning this part of the risk to the victims .
25 Even if it is arguable for the purposes of theological discussion that the mode of being in which contemplative knowledge of God becomes a reality is superior to the demands of the active life , Augustine recognised that in the fallen world the two were indissolubly linked and complementary : for no one ought to be so leisured as to take no thought in that leisure for the interest of his neighbour , nor so active as to feel no need for the contemplation of God .
26 Where feasible , activity in one part of the system should be so organized as to have an effect in other parts ( for instance , the results of stock revision at one service point can be used in all others ) .
27 Fourth , the budget should be so organized as to permit a quick and meaningful measurement of its impact on the national economy as a whole .
28 Maybe they would be so kind as to turn the lights around a touch and have them facing us here in Naylorsfield .
29 Robert would you be so kind as to shut the door for me ?
30 It would help us to plan for the future if you would be so kind as to take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire .
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