Example sentences of "be at the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 that Mary er Mary 's da , one of Mary 's daughters and one of Christine 's daughters , they 're at the same college or something , they 're big friends !
2 you ought to see underneath the fridge , he does this in the kitchen and they 've all gone under the fridge , when you 're at the top shop or any other places where the will you have a look on the cards in the window , I 'm looking for a slide , you know , but a smaller one for him for the garden for the summer really , cos that 's just about had it that one ?
3 I 'm at the same hotel as we stayed at last time-but it 's not the same without you and Rosie .
4 We need to ensure that our white collar members have the help and the support and the advice available to them , but that help and that advice needs to be at the right time and at the right place .
5 The HeI stars are known to be at the Galactic Centre because many are coincident with temperature peaks in the dust associated with the spiral of ionized gas flowing into the centre .
6 ‘ It is input twice , ’ admits Mr Johnson , ‘ in the sense that sales would be at the invoicing stage and then put into FDC at the total stage with the two systems running side by side .
7 He could justifiably be at the British Museum if asked .
8 arranging payment of allowances ( these will be at the same level as the client 's previous rate of benefit ) ; and
9 ‘ It is possible an EC directive would be at the same level or just below UK standards . ’
10 Your lower leg should be at the same height as the knee as the latter points to the target .
11 This could well relate to the design of the hospital bed which may not be at the same height as the one with which the patient is familiar .
12 Nevertheless , if we adjust the above findings , they suggest that almost 40% of the public feel that mentally handicapped people should be segregated from the rest of society ; around the same proportion would dislike the idea of a mentally handicapped child being at the same school as their child and around 70% feel that mentally handicapped people should not be allowed to marry and have children .
13 ( b ) Calculate to four significant figures the ratio of the rate of diffusion through a porous membrane of hydrogen chloride gas composed wholly of molecules to the rate of diffusion of a gas composed wholly of molecules , both gases being at the same temperature and pressure .
14 One night we had sat up late while Mum and Dad were at The Golden Cup and had cut up old Christmas decorations into tiny squares and diamonds and then hidden them in envelopes .
15 Well on the issue of what 's happening in the er Health Authority here , it 's a very much erm a surprise to everybody because those of us who were at the last meeting that we had , only a couple of months ago , to quite categorically saying that , she , that she was just not interested in the .
16 Smith , Gregg and Andrews ( 1989 ) devised the following ranking of selection methods with respect to their predictive validity : graphology and astrology were at the same level as chance prediction , references and interviews were a little higher , then structured interviews , then biodata , personality tests and assessment centres for performance , then ability tests and work sample tests and finally , at the highest level , assessment centres for promotion .
17 Now come on Stephen you were at the same debate that I was at , the housing committee .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many United Kingdom staff there are at the British embassy and consulates in Brazil ; and how many have specific duties with regard to ( a ) human rights and ( b ) trade .
19 It indicates whether any modules are at the same version but with different contents i.e. a module outside LIFESPAN has been modified but the header has not been updated .
20 But he gets the best : the person who provides the real thing ( a contribution to profitability ) , the person who 's been at the sharp end and actually cut a profit from the edge .
21 A number of issues are raised in the paper , but one of the companies which has been at the receiving end and has been canvassed for views , says : ‘ Part of the document looks as if it has been drafted by British Gas . ’
22 I remember that luncheon with Basil absolutely perfectly , and that I 'd been at the National Gallery or the Tate , and I had a postcard with me of one of those primitive paintings , naïve paintings , of a cricket match they still have postcards of it .
23 Had he really been at the same school as Edward ?
24 He 'd been at the wrong end when a small company went bust in the city .
25 The incident was much discussed and analysed , the question being whether Hunt 's car was even with Depailler 's at the crucial juncture or not .
26 It 's at the smaller end that the problems start .
27 Above all , it is at the European level that expanding aid programmes could be devised to stimulate a widening of trade and recovery in the south and east .
28 The concept is that applicants should be given credit for prior learning whether it is certificated or uncertificated providing it is at the right level and relevant to the qualification being sought .
29 Learning takes place through successive cycles of assimilation and accommodation ; and it is at the accommodative phase that this clearer vision is needed .
30 It is at the local level that change needs to be assessed and at which the variety of political forces at work was best displayed .
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