Example sentences of "be the [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition , from the Soviet point of view , ‘ Within the whole spectrum of measures taken to promote trade between the USSR and Latin America , of greatest importance have been the agreements reached between the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chambers of Commerce in some Latin American countries including Argentina , Brazil , Peru , Colombia and Mexico ’ ( Zinoviev : 1981 , pp. 101–2 ) .
2 One reason for this has been the deference shown by the Court of Appeal to the expertise of the Commissioners , a deference which appears to be justified by the thoroughness of the re-examination of the cases by the Commissioners .
3 From Wyeth 's description this seems to have been the approach followed in the PET case .
4 Cod , plaice , sole and turbot have long been the chief catches in the deep-sea fishing grounds of the North Sea , and the trawler , with which Grimsby 's name is synonymous , was introduced in the nineteenth century to drag a wide-mouthed net along the sea floor , to catch these so-called ‘ ground fish ’ .
5 This has been the procedure followed by the Yugoslav statisticians for many years .
6 This has been the method used by the most successful interactive video systems of recent years .
7 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
8 ‘ Then it must have been the stream running over the rocks , ’ said Betty .
9 The second special factor has been the role played by the Murid Brotherhood , an Islamic movement founded in the first decade of the twentieth century by Amadu Bamba , which has played a key political role in delivering support first for the French colonial authorities and later for the governments of independent Senegal .
10 Most significant for them has been the need to adapt to the much greater degree of bureaucratic organization which has followed the 1973 Act , the great landmark in their careers .
11 This has been the practice followed on the eastern side of the county at Adamthwaite in the Howgills and is explained in the INTRODUCTION .
12 This appears to have been the conclusion reached by the Israeli government when it launched its air attack on Iraq 's French-built research-scale Osiris reactor at Tuweithah near Ctesiphon in June 1981 .
13 First , there had been the challenge posed by the calls for an international working-class opposition to the First World War .
14 In duels of old , it had n't always been the sword going into the lungs that had killed so much as the drawing of it out .
15 Another factor had been the effort to help with the Museum project .
16 So given that the electoral quota argument is not final , contrary to er what the commission implies and what seems to have been the brief given to the commission , the , we come on to the other points .
17 Pahl ( 1984 ) asserts that it is the last hundred years that have been the aberration compared with the greater flexibility of both earlier periods and the present time .
18 This has not been the view taken by the Roman lawyers in other European countries .
19 Finally , there are the questions to do with the assessment of the course , including any examinations .
20 How are the parents reacting to the problem ?
21 These textiles to be brief are the type called in the inventories , say .
22 Nor are the parallels confined to the inner city .
23 The solid lines are the background spectrum and the dots are the spectrum measured over the cell .
24 And when are the diggers going on the road ?
25 And the ones that we know about at the moment are the ones revealed from the census .
26 It is the aptly-named ‘ promoters ’ who are the ones to blame in the history of boxing .
27 Or , to put the question in terms closer to his own , are the principles enunciated in the system of Absolute Idealism really the truth to which these theological teachings point ?
28 Are the cues contained within the picture strong enough for their proper interpretation ?
29 The second and probably more important source of infective larvae are the eggs passed in the current grazing season by horses , including nursing mares , sharing the same grazing area .
30 Nor are the problems confined to the rarefied atmosphere of corporate boardrooms .
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