Example sentences of "be important [to-vb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( 11 ) If new shares are likely to be issued in the target following the date of the scheme document ( eg because of option entitlements ) then it will be important to ensure that the definition of " scheme shares " ( ie the issued shares to which the scheme relates ) should include any shares issued between the date of the scheme and the holding of the court-ordered meeting .
2 It 's important to understand that the earth is actually tilted slightly .
3 It is important to stress that the differences between , on the one side , the personnel of the brigades , Scouts , and clubs and , on the other , the reformers , should not be exaggerated , if only because many of the latter were also active in one or more of the organizations .
4 However , it is important to stress that the conditions for a sustained easing of monetary policy are not yet present and the prevailing view is likely to be that , barring a breakthrough on the solidarity pact and a resolution of the east German wages situation , the next cut in rates may be at least a couple of months off .
5 Admittedly over ninety per cent of people who took part in a survey said that they would want to be told ; but it is important to stress that the respondents were all healthy people , and in illness attitudes may change .
6 It is important to stress that the valuer 's role is entirely independent .
7 It is important to stress that the method of control has in fact changed quite substantially over the last few years .
8 It is important to stress that the photographs in this book are my highly subjective vision of skinheads .
9 It is important to stress that the steps outline what is happening but not who is doing what .
10 It is important to stress that the Chewong do not conceptualise specifically male characteristics as opposed to female ones .
11 However , it is important to stress that the Chewong mainly fear the unknown , or the uncontrollable .
12 It is important to emphasise that the concept of ageism does not deny the ageing process , but rather seeks to distinguish between — on the one hand — ageing as a process of physiological decline and — on the other — the social phenomenon which forms the basis of the disadvantage and oppression of older people .
13 It is important to emphasise that the impact of the Teacher Placement Service is far greater than the sum of teachers taking placement , as evaluative returns and case study evidence consistently point to the experience as a stimulus for change and the development of partnership activities .
14 It is important to notice that the contrast lies primarily in the function of language which Halliday calls IDEATIONAL that is , the way in which language conveys and organizes the cognitive realities of experience , roughly corresponding to what we have earlier called " sense " : [ 12 ] The bushes twitched again .
15 And it is important to notice that the onus is upon the atheist to show the reason why ( *a ) the experience is not ( *c ) to be trusted .
16 It is important to notice that the distinction between these two kinds of language ( the artificially constructed and the communicating ) is often more a question of the way we use or think about a particular stretch of language , than the way it is in itself .
17 It is important to realise that the Gospel writers were not writing history as we understand it .
18 It is important to realise that the nodes do not simply represent a typology of texts , but represent a variety of communicative situations around texts .
19 It is important to realise that the complexity of the business carried on by solicitors in partnership is such as to make the adoption of a standard draft risky and unsatisfactory .
20 It is important to realise that the law-breaking of large businesses and corporations can have severe consequences .
21 And it is important to realise that the reason environmental pressure groups are more vocal and , apparently , finicky about these matters is because the environment does n't speak for itself .
22 If a policy is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon , with aspects that go ‘ too far ’ for some people and ‘ not far enough ’ for others , it is important to acknowledge that the dissensus that attends its ‘ birth ’ will continue to affect its implementation .
23 Because the history of science has become embroiled in religious polemics , it is important to appreciate that the chauvinism appears not only between religions but within them .
24 It is important to appreciate that the processes which are illustrated in Figure 4 are going on the surface of a special structure ( it is called a ‘ ribosome ’ ) , which acts rather like the assembly line on which cars are put together , holding the various molecules in position .
25 Dealers may not like to see the extent of the drop in auction prices quantified by the Sculpture Index , but it is important to remember that the figures are based on a large number of actual transactions , not a selection of retail sales .
26 Where skill formation has not been marginalized , as in the Japanese case of the core internal labour market , then it is important to remember that the bene fits are not spread throughout the industrial system .
27 It is important to remember that the definitions and typologies we employ can only be judged by their usefulness .
28 As well as great historic houses , it is important to remember that the Trust also owns over half a million acres of land and many vernacular buildings .
29 We do not do this , perhaps because of the spelling , but it is important to remember that the contrasts between and , between and and between and are neutralised in this context .
30 It is important to remember that the Organon gives many possibilities to tailor dosing to the needs of the patient and experience will show us what is most appropriate .
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