Example sentences of "the same time [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
2 At 4.30 am the Corporal of the day , a squat pig-like Polynesian called Vigno , came round the rooms , turning on the lights , throwing open the windows and tipping people out of bed , at the same time screaming at us in French to get downstairs on to the parade ground for ‘ appel ’ or roll call .
3 Walkerdine , recording interviews with and observing a working-class 6-year-old girl and her family in their home , uses fantasy to explore how she identifies with the family from her working-class childhood , and is at the same time distanced from it by her middle-class academic adulthood :
4 But in the end Grey does venture the overall generalization that ‘ the experience in the Korean War demonstrated again the conflict between Dominion aspirations and increasing independence in policy formulation , and the British desire to maintain their status as a great power by drawing on the resources of the Dominions in ‘ friendly cooperation , ’ while at the same time arrogating to themselves the benefits which accrued from such association' ( p. 185 ) .
5 A cash underwritten alternative occurs where the bidder offers its own shares to the shareholders of the target but at the same time arranges for its merchant bank to offer to buy from accepting shareholders , who wish to take cash , all or a proportion of those shares immediately .
6 Using a slight pushing action , he shifts the weight on to the extended right leg while at the same time skipping with his left foot towards the extended right leg and almost simultaneously jumping off the ground with the right leg .
7 The previous generic name for many of them , Heros , was at the same time restricted to our old friend the Severum , so that can not be used .
8 A combination of these techniques can benefit from their individual strengths , whilst at the same time compensating for their individual weaknesses .
9 Without thinking , he ducked and started to turn , at the same time snatching for his gun .
10 I could apply their larger statements about the futility of life to the smaller futility of my own , at the same time identifying with them in the literal sense and recognising the irony inherent in any such identification .
11 So really I need to firm up with them , I 've dropped the seeds in to firm up the process and they 're going to work through that with the kids at the same time talking about what a record of achievement is , showing them what goes inside it , the importance of it etcetera .
12 Jacqueline Pardoe ( Mrs Mitton ) writes : ‘ I have been determined … to be as good a traditional mother as I can while at the same time demonstrating to my daughters that it is possible to combine a family with an independent and complementary ‘ other life ’ .
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