Example sentences of "the government [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Possibly , the delay in the English and Welsh revenue grants is to enable the Government to deal with the problem of poll tax bills which will be plopping through doors shortly .
2 The ceasefire was seen as an attempt to reassure the communists of the government 's sincerity in the US bases negotiations , and also as an opportunity for the government to deal with the Army rebels .
3 Pressure from Scottish fishing interests has led the government to abandon for the moment plans to add the basking shark to the protected species list .
4 Registration of membership for the two political parties set up by the government to participate in the transition to civilian rule , the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) and the National Republican Convention ( NRC ) , closed on May 5 , 1990 [ for their creation in October 1989 see p. 36968 ] .
5 On Jan. 23 Sikh militants ambushed Joshi 's cavalcade near the town of Jullunder in Punjab , killing five people , after the BJP rejected a last-minute appeal by the government to call off the march on the grounds that it could not guarantee protection against attacks by Sikh and Kashmiri militants .
6 In accordance with the recommendation of the Select Committee of The House of Commons ‘ on Foreign Office reconstruction' ’ , made in their Report , dated 13th July last , ‘ ‘ that a preference should be given to the successful competitors in the erection of the New Foreign Office , it is the intention of the Government to employ as the architect of the proposed building , in the event of the necessary funds being voted by Parliament in the ensuing Session , Mr. George Gilbert Scott , one of the successful competitors ' ’ .
7 The bombings appeared to be an attempt to force the government to negotiate over the hunger strike by some 40 GRAPO prisoners which had been in progress since Nov. 30 , 1989 [ see p. 37588 ] .
8 Aurab Yakobashvili , deputy minister of science , says that the lack of such coordination makes it more difficult for the government to plan for the future of Russian science .
9 Radiance Strathdee , the author of research carried out for Centrepoint , said this was not enough : ‘ There is a need for the government to get round the table with local authorities , not to lay down guidance , but to look at strategies to set about moving the impasse which exists ’ .
10 The other thing there is the evidence from the Law Society in England to the committee appointed by the government to look into the question of press self-regulation which has quite a lot to do obviously with privacy for everybody , but also
11 Yesterday , though , the independent committee set up by the Government to look at the admissibility of pre-trial video interviews of abused children called for radical changes .
12 little support are most affected and we need to er , go back to what Kathleen was saying about education , we need to help young girls get self-confidence , more se , coping skills to deal with these pressures , but also , as other people have said , we need to get the government to look at the fact as , that encourage women to keep smoking and address those issues as well .
13 She has great hopes of the new self-help group , which is now determined to press the Government to look at the use of the compound .
14 Mr Justice Ognell , the High Court judge hearing the cases against the government , took the highly unusual step of urging the government to compromise on the matter .
15 Therefore , is not it inappropriate for the Government to place before the House a motion endorsing the Maastricht deal before comparable examination of the draft treaty has taken place ?
16 Local press reports stated , however , that President Jorge Serrano Elias had already decided to remove Hurtado , because he had become an embarrassment to his administration and had allegedly misused funds intended to pay Chilean carabineros ( security police ) , contracted by the government to assist in the restructuring and training of the Guatemalan National Police .
17 Tomorrow , in a motion before the Commons , a cross-party group of MPs will ask the Government to comment on the evidence revealed by Channel 4 .
18 Articles 45 and 48 give priority to government projets de loi ( bills ) and allow the government to intervene in the navette ( when legislation shuffles back and forth ) between the Assemblée and the Senate , overruling the latter .
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