Example sentences of "the question [prep] [subord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under pressure from professional and voluntary organisations during the debates on the Bill , the government was forced to tackle the question of whether every child could indeed follow the National Curriculum .
2 Given the presence of circulating antibodies in at least some of our patients ( for example anti-A and anti-B in blood group O patients ) this study raises the question of whether a change in cell surface antigens , presumably in the form of one or more carbohydrate epitopes affecting both colon and liver , plays a part in the pathogenesis of this condition .
3 In deciding the scope of a " fair comment " plea and the degree of interpretative sophistication to bring to bear on the question of whether a passage is " comment " or " fact " , the court should have regard to the constitutional importance of the " fair comment " defence as a protection for freedom of expression .
4 Nonetheless , he had clearly purported to pose the question of whether a caution was required , but had not answered it .
5 The question of whether a decision was ‘ legal or not ’ is sometimes put in terms of whether it was made ‘ within or without jurisdiction ’ or whether it is ‘ intra vires or ultra vires ’ ( that is , literally , ‘ within or beyond power ’ ) .
6 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
7 In the end , the question of whether a function is a public one is a political question which may not always be answered in the same way .
8 Paragraphs ( c ) , ( e ) and ( f ) deal with the question of whether a direction would be " equitable " .
9 Much more controversy has been generated by the question of whether a mistake also qualifies as a reason , and , more particularly , how serious the mistake has to be .
10 The House did not , unfortunately , deal with the question of whether a claim framed as a loss of chance claim was acceptable .
11 The question of whether a plaintiff 's claim is time-barred by the Limitation Act does not fall to be considered until the point has been pleaded by the defendant , at which stage , if appropriate , the plaintiff may make an application for a direction under s33 ( Kennet v Brown [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 582 ) .
12 The decision of Williams v Singer dealt with the question of whether a tax liability could arise upon trustees when they did not receive money even though they were entitled to receive the money and could have revoked their mandate .
13 Since different people will make different value judgements , there can be no unambiguous answer to the question of whether a move from A to D , E , or F is desirable .
14 The question of whether a pleasure flight … could , or should , be removed from the definition of ‘ public transport ’ is more complex to review than the medical situation of over age sixty pilots …
15 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
16 The legislation contained a clause rendering the decision of the Board final and conclusive on the question of whether a business had been sold by one person to another .
17 The mother and the guardian ad litem agreed that the conditions were met and accordingly there was no contest on the question of whether a care order should be made .
18 This has raised the question of whether a study such as Bourner and Hamed 's gives a favourable impression of non-standard entrants which would not be replicated in a similar study in the university sector .
19 The question of whether a duty of care exists is not in dispute .
20 This raises the question of whether a partnership , such as a firm of accountants , or a corporation can act as arbitrators .
21 The question of whether a statement made during the course of negotiations remains a mere representation or becomes a contractual term , turns on the intention of the parties .
22 There are particular difficulties on the question of whether a covenant is purely personal or runs with the land where the obligation in question , whether on the part of the lessor , lessee , or third party guarantor , involves the payment of money other than rent .
23 First , it seems that as was the case at common law in classifying animals as ‘ ferae naturae , ’ the question of whether an animal belongs to a dangerous species is one of law for the court .
24 This case raised the question of whether an assignee of a reversion on a lease could enforce the payment of rent against someone who had entered into surety covenants as a guarantee of the tenant 's obligations in the lease .
25 The OLA 1984 makes no reference to the question of whether an occupier can exclude or restrict his or her potential liability under the Act .
26 The question of whether an authority is exceeding its power in imposing a particular condition on a planning permission — ultra vires , as the law puts it — and what happens when ultra vires , is easily stated but difficult to determine in practice .
27 It can be argued that the question of whether an applicant ought to be required to use Ord. 53 procedure should depend on whether the particular procedural features of Ord. 53 are appropriate to the case .
28 The question of whether the existence of a mistake has to be apparent from a speaking decision was raised in Dean v Prince [ 1953 ] Ch 590 , where , at first instance , the judge held that he could look at documents other than the auditors ' certificate and the balance sheet and that cross-examination of the auditors would be allowed .
29 The question of whether the state merely supported pre-existing market trends or has positively guided the market towards this end is a contentious one which will be addressed in Chapter 4 .
30 The plaintiffs claimed that certain grass verges were part of the manorial lands of the manor and wished to re-litigate the question of whether the road verges were part of the highway .
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