Example sentences of "the last [noun] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got a beautiful set of little Pierrot clowns , which I bought from the art department of the last mini-series I worked on — Golden Fiddles .
2 Then at the last minute she swung round , her heart bursting inside her , just in time to see him disappear through the terrace doors .
3 At the last minute he turned back .
4 According to the last reference I looked up , erm Merseyside erm is about as big This is an old reference ,
5 When he reached the last machine he went back to the beginning and played them all again .
6 On reflecting about the activities of the last year I looked up enterprise in ’ Roget 's Thesaurus ’ .
7 The last play I worked out that w we had one four hundred and thirty seven of those thirty seven would be er freebies to the homes in , in to bring it down to about four hundred and on the ticket money we took in , I would say about a hundred and twenty of those were erm er concessions .
8 Do n't keep your wristwatch on because the last doorway you step through will be a counter .
9 The last job I went on with Sidney Cunningham , ’ said old Eddy Moulton , ‘ was an explosion in a gas-main at Newark , which killed thirteen people .
10 Cos somebody was saying something about the la the last time they got in , it all went
11 ‘ Remember the last time we went up there ? ’
12 I mean er , I mean , what , and the last time we went in , in , to tea in actual fact , we were in er a so-called four stroke five bedded apartment which was twenty two square metres
13 Well the last time we went out together was
14 Clint says he has been sitting on the story of Unforgiven for 15 years waiting to grow into the part but denies that this could be the last time he saddles up and rides off into the sunset .
15 perhaps she 's mellowed now , I mean the last time she went on with it , about it , was probably over a year ago , but she 's still going on about it definitely a year ago not just
16 The last time I came through , Irene and I came through Colchester and we were going to Clacton .
17 The last time I came up to town for the LIBF , the colleague who came with me showed a great talent for tracking down free wine .
18 The last time I came on , it looked like the corner of a pub — it 's more like a Sloane Square wine bar now , very comfy , ’ he said .
19 But I really can not remember the last time I went out and bought something new from a retailer — other than test kits and silicon sealant .
20 No , I mean , last time I went out would be erm well I 've been out in the afternoon a few times , with my boyfriend , but , the last time I went out in the evening
21 He said the last time I went out he said was December the fifteenth , I said , and I 'll tell you something else , that was the last time I went out .
22 He said the last time I went out he said was December the fifteenth , I said , and I 'll tell you something else , that was the last time I went out .
23 In highlighted pen that you know so when he goes out with someone in ninete , in two thousand he 'll say to someone the last time I went out with someone was in nineteen ninety three .
24 You know the last time I went back to Britain , I was going for a month but I changed my flight and left two weeks early .
25 The last time I phoned up I said the bicycle that was hidden in the bushes .
26 The last cause she took up was that of Dom Pedro Casaldaliga , poet and bishop of a remote Amazonian diocese , unjustly pursued by the Vatican .
27 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
28 When he caught up with the spectators following the last match he picked up the information that had filtered back through the crowd 's grapevine .
29 In the last chapter we started off in two relatively small pens , but then escaped and roamed all over the farm .
30 Well first of all I 'd like to erm say that erm the last gentlemen who phoned in is a very lucky driver .
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