Example sentences of "the [num] [noun pl] be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The shift in age distribution from a median age at 55 years in the 1977–81 users to 63 years in the 1989–90 users is perhaps the most impostant finding of the present study .
2 He nodded and replied , also in rapid French , and Alyssia wondered whether her quip about the ten tongues was nearer the truth than she had imagined .
3 The ten commandments are just a myth it carries no more force whatsoever .
4 The five doors are clearly the five senses , the restless ape is the ego , but who is it that gives the order ‘ Half , ape ! ’ ?
5 This difference between the two atmospheres is largely a result of the large internal heat source in Jupiter , far more ( per unit mass of planet ) than in the case of the Earth .
6 Not only does seeing a chair as a three-dimensional object have this character , but so does seeing one line as longer in the Mulier-Lyer illusion ( in which two lines of equal length look unequal when differently slanting lines are drawn at the tips ) despite our knowing that the two lines are really the same length .
7 Secondly , a recent comparison between rates of imprisonment in England and Wales , and Australia ( two countries whose criminal justice systems are not too dissimilar ) offers even firmer evidence that differences in the use of imprisonment between the two jurisdictions are largely the outcome of decisions for which the courts themselves are responsible .
8 The social interaction between the two groups was both a major benefit that emerged , and a major justification for the project .
9 The two awards were seemingly an acknowledgement of the specific problems met in adequately resolving the problem of the two sites .
10 In other respects , however , the style of the Reeve 's Tale is very similar to that of the Miller 's Tale , supporting the view that the tone of the two tales is more a matter of continuity than of contrast .
11 Being usurped in Rigby 's life by Duane was especially painful for Gedge because the two men were almost the antipathy of each other .
12 The performances of the two algorithms were roughly the same ; of the 281 pronouns examined , Hobbs ' algorithm correctly resolves 21 pronouns that the BFP algorithm does not , and BFP gets 11 that Hobbs does not .
13 The 1990 disturbances were only the latest in a series of eruptions — in 1986,1988 and 1989 , which led to injuries and damage to prison buildings and equipment .
14 The journeymen were reluctant to give way on the question though , since the seven years was still a way of controlling entry to the profession — a proposition brutally shaken by the entry of women who hardly ever served " full " apprenticeships .
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