Example sentences of "the [noun pl] were [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 The crowds were drawn from the popular classes .
2 It had a plain glazed back to illuminate the upper deck at night and the lamps were removed from the hoops .
3 The ammonoids were derived from the nautiloids probably during the early Devonian , and from the Carboniferous until the Cretaceous are among the most abundant of fossil groups , in some rock types dominating to the exclusion of most other members of the fauna .
4 Yesterday a policeman warned Mr Evans that unless the cars were removed from the yellow lines St Paul 's Motors would receive a series of fixed penalty fines .
5 I realised slowly that the screams were coming from the kitchen .
6 When the tops became straw-coloured the clumps were eased from the ground and the bulbs were dried off until the skins were yellow and brittle .
7 The electricians were expelled from the TUC in 1988 and a positive vote from the new union would lead to a reunification of the British trade union movement .
8 Using the argument that the Jews , not being a definite community , were not His Majesty 's subjects and therefore not under the protection of his laws , and quoting the Gospel of St John that the Jews were descended from the devil , Leese 's defence was partially successful .
9 In May the Communists were expelled from the French and Italian governments , but they remained a potential menace .
10 One was that the microphones were stolen from the school during a burglary which made the recording process more difficult and less rewarding .
11 The rats were hanging from the rope , and there were so many of them that the rope was swinging backwards and forwards .
12 When convocation met in December 1373 even the prelates were alienated from the crown , or at least from Gaunt and those who carried on the government in the king 's name : the attempt to levy an unprecedented tax of £50,000 in 1371 had aroused great resentment , aggravated in the next year when , in an effort to speed its collection , all the bishops of the southern province had their temporalities seized .
13 The approximate molecular masses of the bands were calculated from the migration of known standards .
14 While the Germans were fighting on enormously wide fronts in Russia and in Italy , the Allies were advancing from the south .
15 Friends of Rough Collie rescue had , in fact , donated £15 when the dogs were collected from the police kennels , but they had not obtained a receipt and now refused to get one on Brenda 's behalf .
16 The officers were drawn from the nobility .
17 He mainly collected Italian and Flemish paintings of the 16 and 17C and it appears that some of the paintings were bought from the Kunstkammer of Emperor Rudolf II .
18 The existence of the cemetery was not generally known and on the lane side of the pine wood the trees were separated from the grass verge by a dose-boarded fence .
19 The rest of the patients were recruited from the gastroenterology outpatient clinic , where they had presented with transient or persistent abdominal complaints .
20 When somebody had been convicted of the offence , or no other offences had been committed for some time , the names were removed from the police station notice board — the police needed the space there — and put in a file or destroyed .
21 Already the shadows were receding from the room and she could see the darkness where his eyes were and the lighter line of his beloved lips .
22 The villages were separated from the town by farmers ' fields .
23 The elders of the local Muslim community objected : the girls were withdrawn from the playgroup .
24 The last of the cuirassiers were driven from the village just as darkness fell , leaving a thousand corpses and a heap of rubble to the French as the fruits of victory .
25 Karen Dixon , prosecuting , said the sets were taken from the Wave Crest hotel .
26 When we arrived half an hour later , all the canoes were unloaded from the trailer and we were all kitted-out with a helmet and life-jacket and given our canoe for the day .
27 The shots were fired from the Horn Drive area of Lenadoon .
28 He did n't bother to look back to see whether the shots were coming from the patrol boat or from the tender .
29 But now I was up in the air , and what with the clouds , I lost all my orientation Where the clouds parted , I could see the whole tube , land all around me , and it seemed to go up like a tower , so the town and the factory belt and the parks were hanging from the walls over my head , they were all going to crash down on me , and the city on top of them .
30 The figure of over 40 per cent seems too high to be merely chance and he suggested that burials were being placed on boundaries , and that hence , because the dates of the burials were known from the types of grave goods , the boundaries must be of sixth- or seventh-century date at the latest .
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