Example sentences of "the [noun pl] were [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The contracts were signed in the presence of Spanish President Felipe Gonzalez , and the Chinese Prime Minister , Li Peng .
2 Then the dome was echoing with the last anthem : she was walking out into the September sunshine on João 's arm ; the crowds were cheering in the streets , gasping at the splendour of her dress and showering her with flowers and petals .
3 The horizons were opening in every direction .
4 The artists were left in the courtyard , where they stood clutching their equipment with the anxious , uncertain air of a group of refugees .
5 The organization of the Council , borrowed from that of the universities , was by ‘ nations ’ ( principally in order to restrict the voting powers of the large number of Italians ) , but the French objected to the English existing as a separate nation from the Germans — significantly in the Arts Faculty at the University of Paris the English and the Germans were included in the same one .
6 The coins were found in a fairly straight line , indicating that they may have fallen from a torn purse .
7 The notes were scribbled in a no-less motley variety of different-coloured pens ( ball , felt and micro-liner ) and used a lot of abbreviations and compressions : H crshd twn carige & tr ?
8 The birds were reintroduced in a joint programme of Scottish Natural Heritage and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
9 The reactions were performed in the absence ( - ) or presence ( + ) of DNA and then subjected to SDS-PAGE with subsequent autoradiography .
10 The design of the book , and the skill with which the illustrations were interpolated in the text could hardly have been improved .
11 The proposals were enacted in a new Banking Act in 1987 .
12 The proposals were outlined in a publication of The Stock Exchange in March 1990 entitled ‘ Project TAURUS : A prospectus for settlement in the 1990s ’ ( hereinafter referred to as Project Taurus ) .
13 Nevertheless , the Russians were left in no doubt that they had blundered in their relationship with Castro .
14 The rules were introduced in a memorandum from the Institute explaining to banks the duties imposed on them by the law on drug trafficking passed by parliament in July 1989 .
15 The bells were clanging in the high tower which soared up to a steel blue sky .
16 In both cases , the owls were roosting in the cave .
17 Rachaela walked into the corridor and along to the landing , and descending the stairs she saw the lamps were lit in the drawing room as on that first night years before .
18 =58 , p<0.01 ) in values of B. Treating the 120 values of P(A) as independent the values were compared in an analysis of variance with two factors , junction and study .
19 The tree-tops were bowing in the rising wind , and it sounded as though they , too , were sighing .
20 The employers were told in no uncertain terms that " when a favourable opportunity presented itself , he would " submit his proposition anew " .
21 The animals were maintained in a restricted access room with controlled temperature ( 23°C ) and a light-dark cycle ( 12 hours : 12 hours ) , and they were housed in rack-mounted cages , each containing a maximum of six rats .
22 The theory originates from experiments with rats in which the animals were confined in a small space and given electric shocks .
23 The remarks to the journalists were published in The Observer on 17th July 1977 .
24 Even the schools were built in the corners of crowded burial grounds , or over public sewers into which they slowly sank .
25 Subsequent to the analysis by teachers of the four most popular titles , with the exception of Animal Farm , the writer completed a checklist for each of the remaining eighteen texts so that all twenty-two class readers in use in four or more of the schools were included in the analysis .
26 It is very important that we recognize the possibility of accepting the best features of comprehensive schools while getting rid of the worst , remembering with reasonable humility that the schools were introduced in the first place as experimental , and that all the trial and error may not yet be over .
27 For example , in one strip the picture of the sun shining came first ( i.e. , on the left ) , and the picture of the snowman melting came second , whereas in the other strip the pictures were arranged in the opposite order .
28 Most of the pictures were taken in the Sodwana Bay area .
29 In the meantime , the Dragoons were floundering in the boggy ground , easy targets for the riflemen while finding it impossible to fire with any reasonable accuracy themselves .
30 The scythemakers were found in the north Worcestershire parishes of Belbroughton , Chaddesley Corbett and Clent , the lockmakers worked mainly in Wolverhampton and its chapelries of Wednesfield and Willenhall , and the bit makers were mostly Walsall men .
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