Example sentences of "the [noun pl] who [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To be fair , he did also point out that neither did Yorkshire 's Asian population flock in droves of more than three or four to see the hero from the subcontinent in action ; but then he may be aware , as so many apparently are not , that the prospect of seeing a Hindu lad from Bombay doing well for Yorkshire — as he assuredly will — is not exactly high on the agenda for the Pakistanis who form the greater part of the Asian population in those parts .
2 Only the riders who endanger the whole group are left behind .
3 In 1983 the jockey would found the Bob Champion Cancer Trust , and four years later Aldaniti himself ( who fell at the first fence in the 1982 National ) would play his part in the Trust 's fund-raising activities by undertaking a 250-mile charity walk from London to Liverpool , arriving at the course to massive acclaim on the day of the Grand National : among the riders who partnered the 1981 hero on his trek was the Princess Royal .
4 She already had her travelling companion , Swimmer of Lakes , and if she thought of the wild horses in the valley at all it was simply to wonder about the legend of the tamers : to subdue the spirit of the wild animal ; to be permitted to ride upon its back ; yes , magic would have been necessary in early thought , and cult legends certainly would have grown around the hunters who snared the fast , proud creatures .
5 Once this has been done , it is hoped to set a second study in motion to consider the possibility of using expert systems to guide the personnel who do the actual licensing through the maze of rules and regulations that they have to consider .
6 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
7 He had cause to be ; a number of the clergy who compiled the 1801 Returns saw the improving larger farmer as a mixed blessing , likely to be more interested in maximising his profits than in keeping prices reasonable , ‘ the cause of the dearness of Butcher 's meat , cheese , etc. etc … . it destroys the comforts of the lower class of society ’ .
8 Miss Field and Jane Martin … the adventure puzzle proved the trickiest winners of the books here are Mrs. Windsor and Graham Williams … most popular round was the racing … you all knew the answers only two winners I 'm afraid … well done Mrs. Cullis and N.Bonner … and three cheers for the kids who found the secret santas toys and games have been won by Tim Overton …
9 Edward Shils contended that " pluralistic politics ' was " marked … by the moderation of political involvement " , and prohibited emotional intensity " .37 Others went further still , and suggested that political apathy might " reflect the health of democracy " ( Lipset ) , or praised it as " a more or less effective counter-force to the fanatics who constitute the real danger to liberal democracy " .
10 It was this group of active questioners which made up the hard core of the evangelists who spread the new Christian teachings or ‘ Gospel ’ to many parts of the northern hemisphere .
11 In the Cleveland Shopping Centre in Middlesbrough you will find a one-fifth scale replica of Cook 's ship ‘ Endeavour ’ , built by shipwrights from Whitby , the heirs to the craftsmen who built the original ship in the 18th Century .
12 Bede represents Oswald as bringing under his sway all the peoples of Britain , divided by language into Angles , Britons , Picts and Irish ( HE 111 , 6 ) , but elsewhere writes that it was his brother and successor Oswiu , who made tributary the Picts and the Scots who inhabited the northern parts of Britain ( HE 11 , 5 ) .
13 At about the same time several young Ragusan aristocrats were writing love poems in Croatian , in the manner of Petrarch 's Canzoniero and of the troubadours who followed the Tuscan tradition .
14 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
15 Instead it was the visitors who made the early running , albeit by the narrowest of margins in the first three games .
16 It was the visitors who created the first half 's best chance through their lively striker , Marshall .
17 One complaint , which often occurred , was that it is the blacks who hold the real prejudices .
18 Proprietor Martin Doyle said : ‘ We buy all our springs , fillings , timber and coverings from many of the companies who supply the brand-name manufacturers . ’
19 LEN DARLING , one of only five survivors among the Australians who withstood the deadly Bodyline attack of 1932–33 , dies in Adelaide in June , after a short illness .
20 The chaps who wanted the cold plunge would undress and leave their things in lockers there , and there were two small cold basins to swim in — two here , anyhow — one on either side .
21 I feel sorry for the chaps who discover the same problem in their 20s . ’
22 Churchill relied heavily upon intelligence from Ultra , calling the Bletchley cryptanalysts ‘ the geese who laid the golden eggs but never cackled ’ ; and he could frequently be heard demanding , ‘ Where are my eggs ? ’
23 In the classic experimental design a control group would be used which was as alike in all respects to the experimental group ( the latter being , in this example , the workers who experienced the new managerial style ) , save in this one respect ; only the experimental group is subjected to the independent variable .
24 Among the guests who take the runaway train through Frontierland 's Big Thunder Mountain or stroll through the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction in Adventureland , there will be an eerie absence of children .
25 The banks who held the great majority of private accounts were divided by Joslin into two groups .
26 It resembles the pictures of dancers frozen for all time by the potters who made the Greek vases just to display their feats .
27 Radical views like this seem unlikely ever to be accepted by the cardinals who dictate the dominant conservative teaching .
28 The prizes will be awarded to the entrants who circle the five hazards on the picture correctly and answer the tiebreaker in the most apt and original way .
29 I suppose that the common denominator in on-the-road campaigning is the commitment it requires , especially from the volunteer workers in the constituencies who make the biggest sacrifice .
30 He worried about the spare ammunition , about the ability of the men to hear orders in battle , and about the morality of the wives who followed the marching column like a gypsy rabble .
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