Example sentences of "the [noun pl] be [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The Guardians are in the same × 12 field .
2 The puddings are in the same mould .
3 Here 16 black and white photographs portray " Blondes " — in fact all the pictures are from the same girl , with slightly different expressions on her face — and 16 ditto of a " Brunettes " ditto .
4 " The offices are in the same building , Ingard House .
5 All the units are in the same situation .
6 As the books are in the same series , ‘ Barchester Towers ’ being the second volume and ‘ The Last Chronicle of Barset ’ the last , one of the characters I am going to study appears in both .
7 Only a few of the errors are of the same kind as spelling or typing errors .
8 He says safety is paramount you have to make sure the balloons are at the same temperatures and that they keep at the same height .
9 When she was n't explaining that she and the libbers were on the same side really , Mrs Travers took pains to point out that FAMILY had no quarrel with the poor or socially inadequate ; it was just that she wanted to pay tribute to the unsung millions of women ( and men ) who lived normal lives , did not swap roles , get divorces or abortions , become homeless or batter their children ( or their wives ) ; people who faced misfortune with re-sourcefulness and courage and without recourse to public funds .
10 The conditions were about the same , the wor people were very , very nice .
11 With × 7 , the Pointers are in the same field .
12 And the case of the sexes is on the same footing .
13 This goes on until all the players are in the same place .
14 The agreements were in the same form save that the periodical sums payable under one agreement did not correspond to the sum payable pursuant to any other agreement .
15 The headings are in the same order as the diagram above .
16 If there are groups with similar vibration frequencies close to each other in the molecule , and two or more of the vibrations are of the same symmetry , the group modes will mix ; mixing displaces the normal modes to higher and lower frequencies .
17 Not all the results were of the same high quality ; nevertheless the music they arranged reinforced the choreographer 's design by giving the plot atmosphere , local colour , continuity and flow as well as giving the dancing its rhythmic vitality , emotion and mood .
18 The men were in the same position , but now they were looking at each other .
19 All the attributes are of the same type .
20 Oh yes , the interesting part there , in those days , was that the majority of the children were in the same boat , we were all poor and er m the Town Council had got this skating ring at Mansfield , roller skating ring , near the Gas Works , where they provided a school meal for all the children that could there during the hour lunch .
21 The forests are at the same time being stripped of valuable and rare animals .
22 Although all the pawns are on the same side of the board , which increases the effectiveness of Karpov 's knight , his king is on the back rank and Short 's king is poised to advance .
23 Gareth had intelligently chosen smooth-barked saplings all the way and all the marks were at the same height , at about waist level , where painting came to him most naturally , it seemed .
24 The floors were of the same wood , some bare , some covered in linoleum , and everything appeared in a state of decay .
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