Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Respondents usually hold a very clear understanding of the judgments indicated by the verbal labels as , for example , in the ‘ warm-clinical ’ construct previously mentioned .
2 Whatever the process , it could well be that the crustal shortening in the continents produced by the early phases of the Hercynian orogeny , with its resultant lowering of sea-levels , produced the widespread regression of late Carboniferous times , when coal measure swamps spread from Texas to the Donetz .
3 Many of the latter are the forms mentioned in the first paragraph of this section as running parallel to the coast .
4 This is the case for every class ( the term for all the contracts written on a particular share ) of option except those for Vaal Reefs , the two gilts and those on the FTSE Index .
5 Overseas , the Kuwait operation has been successful in managing the contracts won in the early part of last year .
6 The attitudes held by the modern racists are deracialized in that the attitudes are justified by traditional values , such as equality and fairness , and not by oven racial themes .
7 It reflects , for instance , the attitudes fostered by the German standards office through the DIN ( the Deutsche Industrie-Norm , or Industrial Standard ) .
8 A number of western historians of Russia , among whom the American professors Leopold Haimson and Reginald Zelnik were prominent , began to break out of the attitudes encouraged by the Cold War .
9 Noting that the conferences opening on Dec. 15 would " take due account of the opinions given by the European Parliament and by the Commission under Article 236 of the Treaty " , the Council confirmed that the work would proceed in parallel , should be concluded " rapidly and at the same time " , and that their results would be submitted for ratification with a view to this taking place before the end of 1992 .
10 The royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings concern themselves exclusively with the rituals required for a successful passage through the Underworld .
11 This compares to some 100,000 tonnes in the mid-1970s sold to a smaller Community .
12 From the time that I was about eight , the Boxing Booth acted as a magnet to me and I spent a considerable time gazing in awe as the boxers paraded on the small stage outside the tent , ready to take on all corners .
13 On a summons issued by solicitors for the interim government of Somalia , the Republic of Somalia was substituted as the plaintiff in the proceedings and directions were given for payment out of the money paid into court to the solicitors instructed by the interim government , unless cause was shown why it should not be so paid out .
14 Ltd. and Madigan Associates S.A. be joined as second and third defendants ; and ( 3 ) the U.S.$2m. in court be paid out to the solicitors instructed by the interim government of the Republic of Somalia , unless any party showed cause why it should not be so paid out .
15 Although the programmes devised in the late 1980s were not dissimilar to earlier statements , there were some variations in emphasis .
16 After all , our licence fee got the programmes made in the first place
17 In line with the programmes produced in the late 1970s , a brief contextual statement would be followed by a closer definition of the objectives to be pursued in the economic , social , environmental and housing areas , and the role to be played by various statutory authorities and the voluntary sector ( Birmingham City Council , 1987b ; Newcastle City Council , 1987 ) .
18 The first section examines the institutions established during the first half-century of British rule .
19 At a lower rank come the Acts adopted , not by the Member States , but by the institutions established by the founding treaties , that is , the Council and the Commission in collaboration , as appropriate , with the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee .
20 The flames swept through the wooden roof from the organ loft , destroying the organ and 60 per cent of the roof .
21 So they put a torch to the Mason 's wagon and , as the flames swept through the wooden base , a shower of warped and molten coins cascaded out on to the ground .
22 Closer to the smoking fire , Blake could see that the colours of the flames varied with the different amounts of crushed rocks thrown on to the pyre .
23 consider and take into account the wishes expressed by the elderly person and assess that person 's needs ;
24 One part of the explanation lies in the intensional value of the respective constructions , and the other in the meanings attached to the various adjectives by the speaker .
25 Tony and Matt are both experienced cavers , they have the right equipment , have had a guide to the mines produced by the Northern Association of Caving Clubs , and , more importantly , Matt at least has done this sort of thing before , or as he said , If I remember rightly … "
26 The transformations effected by the second Vatican Council of 1962–5 in liturgy , sacrament , scripture , and so on led to the accelerated decline of traditional rituals such as wakes and pilgrimages to local shrines .
27 What is the logic that dictates that the shareholders should be entitled to the corporate surplus , instead for instance of the employees or management , with the entitlement of the shareholders reduced to a fixed return on capital ?
28 All the patterns observed with a truncated polymerase and CRP are the juxtaposition of the individual patterns of CRP and α-C deleted polymerase consistent with the idea that both proteins bind independently to the lac UV5 promoter .
29 Blanche turned her biro slowly round in her fingers , meditating on the patterns created by the octagonal tube of plastic , and asked for the name of the dry cleaner 's .
30 The macroscopic pattern found in surgical specimens correlated with the radiological pattern in only 7 of 18 ( 38% ) of the low grade/mixed grade group and in 5 of 16 ( 31% ) of the patients in the high grade group ; the patterns correlated with the endoscopic findings in only 8 of 19 ( 42% ) of the low grade/mixed grade group and in 7 of 17 ( 41% ) of the high grade group .
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