Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Pakistanis seemed to find the answers to all these questions a vehement ‘ yes ’ .
2 When the pickets tried to prevent the importation of coal into the country , or its movement into major steelworks like Port Talbot and Ravenscraig , they once more found lines of constables in their way .
3 Even as the flames seemed to deepen the blackness around them , the light gave comfort and a sense of security .
4 had found that plough carriers mounted on one of the bogies tended to throw the ploughs about , particularly if the pony wheels were worn or had flats .
5 The conduct of the defenders and the effect of such conduct on the minds of the pursuers are significant factors from which it may be inferred that the defenders intended to repudiate the contract .
6 On Nov. 21 , according to the Chinese Xinhua news agency , 67 per cent of the deputies voted to change the country 's name from the People 's Republic of Mongolia to the Republic of Mongolia .
7 However , it was not long before the courts began to use the provision in an attempt to curb insider trading .
8 In consequence , the courts came to limit the cases in which recovery of an ultra vires impost was allowed to cases where there had been an extraction colore officii .
9 This , following the House of Lords decision in Scottish Insurance v. Wilson & Clyde Coal Co was , in effect , done by capital reductions even though the shares were irredeemable and quoted at above par , for the Lords decided in that case and in Prudential Assurance v. Chatterley-Whitfield Collieries in the same year , that the courts had to confirm the reductions since the preference shareholders were being treated in strict accordance with their class rights .
10 Prior to 1932 the courts refused to allow the chain of contracts to be disturbed by tort actions .
11 After this the law became increasingly convoluted as the courts tried to escape the rigours of a rule which meant that the court had to make a finding in favour of one party or the other .
12 Sir Alfred Ewing , head of Room 40 at the Admiralty , where the cryptography was carried on , was bemused that the Germans continued to use the codes which were already compromised , and he assumed that they considered arrogantly that the British were too stupid to break them .
13 FOR a nation which fire-bombed Hamburg and destroyed Dresden to complain when the Germans planned to celebrate the anniversary of the V2 rocket is ridiculous .
14 It was only after their defeat on the Marne and enforced retreat to the River Aisne that the Germans came to appreciate the importance of the Channel ports , ignored in the Schlieffen Plan .
15 One of the reasons found to explain the non-use of the lobon-gur solution was the lack of cooperation from the village practitioners .
16 The shipowners knew that there was a sugar market at the port of destination but did not know that the merchants wanted to sell the sugar immediately on its arrival .
17 In an upstairs bedroom — the kidnappers tended to avoid the downstairs rooms during daylight hours , despite the thick net curtains that screened them — the South African was seated at a table brought up there for the purpose .
18 In order to assess the extent to which the Council 's curriculum development had impinged on schools , the researchers chose to investigate the degree of ‘ contact ’ , ‘ some use ’ and ‘ extensive use ’ of project materials .
19 The butler seized the glass where upon the fairies tried to regain the cup but realising that they were no match for this mortal they finally abandoned the struggle and vanished , leaving the butler with the glass cup and according to a ballad by the German poet Uhland with this warning .
20 It still lay there on the keys , the fingers extended to form the shape .
21 It was not long before the authorities began to harass the unions , and to maintain an aura of fear to keep their membership dormant .
22 After passage of the 1974 Act , however , the authorities had to contemplate the prospect that they themselves might be prosecuted for the polluting effluents from their sewage works .
23 If in Figure 17.2 the authorities wished to reduce the demand for money to Q 2 , they would raise interest rates to r 2 .
24 After overnight negotiations the authorities agreed to refuel the plane and let it fly to Pakistan on condition that the remaining 38 passengers and crew would be released on arrival .
25 He also suggested that the authorities intended to control the opposition with force .
26 The authorities decided to take the orangs by force , and on 31 October 1991 , armed soldiers carried out a dawn raid on the house and garage — where they were met by more than a hundred students .
27 They were so accurate that frequently bees were ready and waiting when the experimenters arrived to refill the sugar solution .
28 To find out , the biologists decided to play the role of potential predators .
29 He said he could not return a verdict of unlawful killing because there was no evidence that the builders intended to kill the couple .
30 Managers became alarmed as , against all expectations , the operators managed to control the machinery just as well as their supervisors and demanded higher wages .
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