Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb past] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All summer English cricket has been highly suspicious about how the Pakistanis made the old ball swing about so violently .
2 Within this context the acts represented a high point of sanitary interventionism .
3 The Acts introduced a whole code of procedure , the Rules of the Supreme Court , which in various ways assimilated the Common Law and the Equity procedure , taking the good points of both .
4 Nevertheless , the apparent acceptance of prostitution in the Acts evoked a strong response from feminists , led by Josephine Butler , and from social moralists , which was directed particularly against the state regulation of vice .
5 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
6 After the greyness and isolation of winter , the crowds seemed a mad profusion of seething colour , all the time moving , all the time talking .
7 It was some time after the crowds stormed the Presidential Palace compound in northern Bucharest in the late morning of 22 December 1989 that they found a confused old lady in a bungalow in the grounds .
8 He stresses the ways in which the period from the early 1960s to the mid-1970s saw the effective by-passing of local elites , including councillors , because of the development of other central-local linkages .
9 There is no universal agreement , for example , that the mid-1970s represented a fundamental break in political attitudes — aspects of the ‘ new ’ capitalism coming from the Conservative party in the mid-1970s can be traced back to Churchill 's administration in the early 1950s ( Raban , 1986 ) .
10 The ropes took the first opportunity of falling into the waterfall and freezing solid , bending at unpredictable angles , more or less imitating wire hawser .
11 The sub-licensees paid a fixed fee , unrelated to their profits , to the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
12 The solicitors informed the local authority that they would be applying for an order for costs against the authority .
13 The change of heart — five months after the clubs rejected a similar deal — was confirmed by league chairman Sir John Quinton in London .
14 Last night the clubs issued a joint statement saying their executive officers had an amicable meeting at which the development plans were discussed .
15 The crackle of the flames woke the old man , and he tried to open his door .
16 Behind me , the candle I had so carefully placed in the dry straw in the garret of Le Coq d'Or kindled into life and the flames turned the evil tavern into a blazing inferno .
17 The Pirates were three down at Humberside before rallying to take the lead but the Seahawks salvaged a 6-6 draw with a late goal by Grant Slater .
18 She began by waking up on the tail-end of absorbing conversations with the white-robed monk who sat on the chair beside her , and it was n't long before the discussions became a full-time activity .
19 The discussions encompassed the minimum programme for such a peacetime coalition .
20 But in these nursery nests , the kittens took the first nipple they came across , regardless of whether it was in a familiar position on the female 's belly , or even which belly it was .
21 The deportations drew a strong protest from Mr Robert Van Leuween , the head of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees office in Hong Kong .
22 To make matters worse , even in their depleted condition the cities remained a vital source of income to the government .
23 During their researches , however , the Canadians made an important discovery .
24 In Williams v Singer ( 1920 ) 7 TC 387 , the courts took a pragmatic approach to a particular trust and held that if income arises to trustees of a life interest trust but it is paid direct to the beneficiary ( so it never actually comes into the trustees ' hands ) then the trustees are not liable to tax on the money .
25 The availability of legal aid to those unable to afford to pursue their legal rights in the courts made a practical reality of the access to justice to many who could not have afforded to do so .
26 The days have long passed when the courts adopted a strict constructionist view of interpretation which required them to adopt the literal meaning of the language .
27 More generally , almost in a caricature of Dicey 's views , a belief grew during the early decades of the twentieth century that , because of the destruction in the balances in parliamentary mechanisms wrought by the rise of party government , the courts formed the last bastion in the protection of liberties immanent in constitutional arrangements .
28 To counter claims in tort the courts erected the unholy trinity of defences of common employment , volenti non fit injuria and contributory negligence .
29 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
30 So at one end of the scale , the courts upheld a restrictive covenant in the contract of an employee of an international armaments manufacturer called Maxim Nordenfeldt , which extended throughout the world for the whole of the man 's life .
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