Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [be] a great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The remarkably faithful matching of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the shapes of the continents was a great boost to the theory of continental drift , which postulated that Africa and South America had originally formed a supercontinent , which subsequently split up , with the two parts moving away in opposite directions .
2 The Germans are a great people , a very great people ’ , declared de Gaulle at Stalingrad .
3 By any standards , the conifers are a great success .
4 A particularly puzzling aspect of the ammonoids is a great resemblance between external shell features that can be produced at different times by otherwise unrelated ammonoids .
5 Residents at Parklands think the visitors are a great idea .
6 The trusts are a great success .
7 The medium of the films was a great escape for him .
8 Cutting the threads is a great test .
9 ‘ SIMPLY STUNNING , a rhythmic , hypnotic , widescreen wah-wah washed , mind-widening chunk of funk , it 'll scare the reproductive organs off yer guitar purists , but ‘ Fools Gold ’ is nigh genius ; their finest ten minutes to date reiterating what we already knew — that the Roses are a great band — and confirms what we blithely guessed , that they are going to be MASSIVE , ’ says Danny Kelly .
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