Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 For most people , a love of animals tends to extend to several pets , the odd donation and perhaps a rally .
2 Clark 's burst saw off the Spanish zone and then a desperate English press reduced the margin to 11 points with seven minutes to go , but that was as close as England were to come .
3 We must learn to live without a theological faith in the working class as either a revolutionary or an antiracist agent .
4 As late as the summer of 1939 Sir Stafford Cripps , expelled from the Labour Party and hardly a natural Baldwin man , was urging him to be a brick in a wall of anti-appeasement national unity .
5 However , the country as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the liberal period of the late nineteenth century belonged to the German orbit and consequently a body of commercial law ( separate from general civil law ) was implanted in the form of a Commercial Code ( Statute 37 of 1875 ) following the principles of German commercial law .
6 The method 's worked twice for me , so it may be the definitive cure or just a pathetic coincidence .
7 The status of the foreign minister as merely a high-ranking bureaucrat meant that the diplomats whom he directed , and in particular the heads of the more important Russian missions abroad , often looked on him as more or less an equal and hardly as a superior at all .
8 Innocent moved within the framework of the old doctrine that only a general council could declare or pronounce on the faith ( Isidore of Seville ) , establish doctrine and condemn heresies .
9 The later Range Rover , although slightly higher geared than the old model and quite a lot heavier , should do more than 50 mph in third .
10 Calves may show clinical signs during the prepatent period and occasionally a massive infection can cause severe dyspnoea of sudden onset often followed by death in 24-48 hours .
11 But this means extra weight to punch the tackle out the required distance and also a greater effort , which inevitably leads to inaccuracy .
12 The theory being propounded here sees the global system as primarily a capitalist global system and the main forces in it as the transnational corporations , transnational capitalist classes and the culture-ideology of consumerism .
13 To take the Liberals first , it had been a commonplace of political analysis over previous years to regard the Liberal vote as largely a product of temporary disillusion with the Tories following on periods of Tory government , as a protest vote .
14 Their course is so far short : the first national Green Party founded in New Zealand as the Value Party in 1972 , the next in the United Kingdom in the following year and then a long gap until Ecolo in Belgium in 1980 heralded a rush either to set up or amalgamate existing groups into parties in the early and mid-1980s .
15 He 's got big ones and small ones , yellow ones and pink ones , he 's got the revolving variety and even a custom made wedding one .
16 No camera lens can match the flexibility of the human eye and only a few experiments in stereoscopy attempt two-eyed ( binocular ) vision , essential to true 3-D perception .
17 Of course , one cornerstone of this model of the structure of heroin ‘ epidemics ’ is the questionable assumption that only a certain proportion of the population are likely to take heroin , the corollary assumption being that the ‘ epidemic ’ must have a life cycle because it will eventually exhaust the pool of potential heroin users .
18 The importance of the contest was well appreciated by the Unionist Party which sent not only the Prime Minister but also a number of other cabinet ministers to Bannside to canvass for Dr Bolton Minford .
19 Later , he spent more than one hour with the Prime Minister and afterwards a bland joint communique was issued .
20 The spark that does often make people go is when there are changes in the international organisation or indeed a change in the fortunes of the company .
21 The Black Boy though now a public house was at one time also a farm for when Robert Hearnden ran the public house in 1840 he also farmed a considerable amount of land , where the large pit is now situated and down into the village .
22 Mayson was denied his hat-trick by good ‘ keeping and twice Smyth was through , only to go for the unselfish option when perhaps a shot would have been better .
23 They may have contained either small units of the regular army or perhaps a locally raised militia .
24 I went to the medical centre and there a male doctor did a very degrading examination of my body .
25 The work can then be spread out to the measurements required on the blocking board and just a few pins are needed to hold the wires into place .
26 Of much greater significance , however , is the skyline of the fells rising to the east , where above the 2000-ft contour and barely a mile apart two important rivers have their beginnings — the Eden , destined to flow north to the Solway Firth , and the Ure , bound eastwards for Wensleydale and ultimately the North Sea .
27 They tend to be alkaline , with soluble salts at the plant-soil interface and sometimes a brown mineral horizon below .
28 I duly knitted two backs , marked the shape of the front neck and also a slight ‘ dip ’ on the back section and stitched two lines with the sewing machine using a long stitch .
29 The radical right mainly drifted back towards the Conservative party and only a small minority associated with the emerging fascist movement .
30 It is also the acclaimed home of the Teifi coracle and indeed a very interesting Coracle Centre and Museum can be seen in the village where appropriate demonstrations are held .
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