Example sentences of "the [noun prp] at [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He may have left the Daltons at the time of their troubles .
2 Trevor was working in the States at the time of this interview .
3 After marking by the tutor , the question and answer papers are returned to a moderator appointed by the Secretary of the NEC at the time of application who , in turn , returns them to the tutor .
4 Bank Assistants can feel aggrieved and betrayed that the Bank declared in the Labour Court that their claim was debarred by the National Pay Agreement , the P.E.S.P. At no time during the previous two years was the P.E.S.P. ever mentioned by the Bank .
5 This compared with the $100 per tonne prediction for the end of the century being made by the CEGB at the time of the 1983–5 Sizewell B Inquiry .
6 What is interesting about this disc is the way in which Padilla , presumably familiar with the polyphonic style of his peers , including that of Victoria , crossed the Atlantic at a time of considerable change in European music only to uphold and preserve the traditions of Spain 's musical heritage .
7 The ISE at the time of writing is attempting to implement changes in the way in which shares are floated .
8 It is worth remembering that the UK at the time of this publication was already adrift of the best practice elsewhere , with fatality rates double those of the Netherlands for pedestrians and more than triple those of Sweden for children .
9 There are conflicting theories regarding the methods of combat used by the Franks at the time of Charlemagne .
10 ‘ You do n't join the EMS at a time of turbulence in the foreign exchange markets .
11 The identity papers seized by the FBI at the time of Coleman 's arrest in May 1990 .
12 A former French translator for President Kim Il Sung , he was first secretary in the Congo at the time of his defection , and was welcomed by South Korea because of his position in the North Korean hierarchy .
13 In certain respects they resemble or recall the heads of Kota and Hongue reliquary figures from the French Congo , some of the most abstract and inventive of all African tribal sculptures , and which existed in a wide and varied selection in the collections of the Trocadero at the time of Picasso 's visit .
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