Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This gives MacMillan the opportunity in the first act , which is brilliant , to introduce his characters in solos of vivid personality while Rose 's vision of her lost Prince provides a poetic pas de deux .
2 Erm , yes , I 'd like to , erm , ask a question and suggest that the change in the first paragraph , Service Strategy and Regulations .
3 One of Rice 's reasons for accepting an invitation to join the board in the first place was his belief that it might lead to a rekindling of the old partnership .
4 More specifically , in sentences such as those above , in which an event mentioned in the first clause is explained by a reason or cause stated in a following because clause , that world knowledge includes information about what Garvey & Caramazza ( 1974 ) call the implicit causality of the verb in the first clause .
5 Shh Doncaster got the quickest goal of the afternoon in the first minute and Walsall got the only goal with seven minutes left .
6 Indebted countries ' options depend on the magnitude of the debt , who lent the money in the first place , and on what terms .
7 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
8 … it was very odd that they got the money in the first place … however they had thought a great deal and had a viable project … and may be a certain amount of guilt .
9 If person A is given an overdraft and then draws a cheque on the account and pays it to person B , person B's bank account has been credited and he or she can draw this money even though person A never deposited the money in the first place .
10 whilst , if a privilege existed , it was up to the House to decide whether there had been a breach , the existence of the privilege in the first place was for the common law to decide and it was for the courts , and not the House , to declare the common law .
11 The second round of talks on normalizing diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan ended in Tokyo on March 12 after two days with no progress on the issues of compensation and inspection of nuclear facilities , as had been the case in the first round held on Jan. 30-31 in the North Korean capital Pyongyang .
12 The other half , and the reversion in the first half , are held on the ‘ statutory trusts ’ for the issue .
13 He and Julius Sumawe , of Tanzania , passed halfway in 1:04:45 after easily discarding the rest of the field in the first kilometre .
14 One understands why information should be put on the computer in the first place .
15 Thus , not to act or not to be able to act decisively against the ban in the first place seriously questioned the professional association 's ability to take a firm position on the vital matter of unhindered access to legitimate publications .
16 There was no justification for the ban in the first place and is the Secretary of State not concerned that the International Labour Organisation has expressed much concern over the continuing ban and it may well be that in view of the fact that the government is not willing to compromise in any way the I L O may well decide to formally rebuke and reprimand the government .
17 But of course it is the individual who attracts the photographer in the first place ( and in this instance we know the reverse to be true ) , and Yass is obviously keen to sharpen our awareness of the personal face-to-face aspect of these relationships .
18 One source said : ‘ He gave an undertaking to the DDRB in his submission last week that we will monitor very closely the effects of the contract in the first year .
19 They 'll either hint I was downright dishonest to sign the contract in the first place or they 'll make out I ca n't even spell my own name .
20 The first relates to whether a set of standard conditions should govern the contract in the first place , and the second ( in the case where the parties exchange their respective sets of standard conditions ) to the question of which set shall govern the contract between the parties ( the so-called " battle of the forms " ) .
21 The basic principle of law is that assignment of a contract is not possible where the identity of the assignor is an important factor for the other party to the contract either as a reason for his entering into the contract in the first place , or because it is for some reason significant for the proper discharge of the contract .
22 The failure of the crop of Blackacre will render it impossible to perform the contract in the first example , whereas in the latter case the contract can be fulfilled by supplying potatoes from any source .
23 So you should make the decision in the first place .
24 well I mean we had one girl did n't know what she was going about , but , you know , women do n't have all the work to do in the house and her dad helps at weekends and I said well who made the decision in the first place to do what
25 If the DEA had used it to provide a cover identity for somebody in Egypt , it could hardly admit that in open court or explain how it had come by the certificate in the first place .
26 And her handbag was in a box in the kitchen in the first box that you put in the van .
27 An action is relevantly similar if it too has the properties which constituted one 's reasons for the judgement in the first case .
28 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
29 Luckily this has n't hurt my fish , but the reason for the purchase in the first place is that I plan to set up a marine tank in the near future and I wanted to check my local tapwater .
30 Except by special permission candidates shall not bring written , printed or similar material to their examination places , and any candidate found to be in possession of such unauthorised material shall be reported to the Secretary of the University in the first instance .
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