Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and [verb] [pn reflx] to " in BNC.

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1 The crew swam out from under the canoe and attached themselves to the upturned hull .
2 This messenger RNA ( mRNA ) leaves the nucleus , enters the cytoplasm and attaches itself to the ribosome .
3 He opened the freezer and helped himself to a cold beer and the last of the chicken drumsticks from the packet he had bought earlier in the week .
4 If you ca n't control your temper you 'd better go down to the canteen and help yourself to a drink .
5 It formed the Bund and committed itself to a critical modus vivendi with the state by declaring itself to be a ‘ church within socialism ’ .
6 Confronted by noble resistance and alarmed by foreign upheaval , Nicholas had shelved the issue and committed himself to upholding the status quo at home and abroad .
7 We pressed into the throng and allowed ourselves to be sucked forwards , up the steps .
8 again there is no answer to that question , simply because the answer is so horrific , it does n't bear thinking about , but thank God all maybe safe , all will not be safe , but all maybe safe , God has provided a salvation that is available to all and if we are not safe it is because we choose to reject his s , his offers of mercy , so we thank God that all may be safe , but the solemn fact remains is that all will not be saved , well that leads us on to , to this third proposition , not only that the bible teach that all maybe saved , not only does it teach that all will not be saved , but it is quite clear that some will be saved whom we did not expect to be saved , we can be quite sure about that because judgment does n't rest with us , way back Abraham says perhaps one of the most important statements in his life when he said there in , in , in Genesis chapter eighteen and we actually sang the wo tho the quotation in the song we just sang a few moments ago where he says will not the judge of all the earth be right , judgement is not yours and mine , that 's God 's prerogative and the other song that we 've been , the song that we 've been singing , that song by faber there 's a wideness in God 's mercy lets be honest we are so narrow with our mercy , our gra , our expressions of grace is so limited , but there 's a wideness in God 's mercy and faber says it 's got the wideness of the sea , there 's a kindness in his justice , which is more than liberty , David knew all about that when he was given the option , he said oh I 'd rather fall into the hands of God than into the hands of men , I 'd rather that God dealt with me than that my fellow man dealt with me , because with him there 's mercy , with him there 's grace , with him there is , there is long suffering and there 's compa compassion and there 's love , and faber goes on with the love of God is broader than the measure of man 's mind and the heart of the eternal is most wonderfully kind , now that 's all very well for the song writer to say that in a hymn and it sounds nice and it 's , it sounds good but is there a scriptural authority for this , is it really true , or is it just a nice song that we sing with , it does us good because we feel it 's a nice , there nice thoughts , well , surely we have it in the passage we 've been reading that there is there is a mercy with God , there is a kindness with God in ver in verse thirty of that chapter behold some who are last will be first and some who are first will be last it 's quite clear that some will be saved that we did not expect to be saved , and you can find example after example of this , it was a tremendous surprise to the onlookers when a very sinful woman annoyed to the feed of Jesus , it was a tremendous surprise to the Pharisee who rejected God , although he was such a good man , to find that the , er sorry to be rejected by God although he was a good honest upright man , and to find that the sinner was accepted by God , it was a tremendous surprise to the people when Zacchaeus who named you to be a sinner , an open twist there an evil man was saved by the Lord Jesus , you could save salvation has come to this house , it was a tremendous surprise when the law breaker who was dying on the cross beside the law Jesus was saved and went to be with him , with the Lord in paradise , it was a tremendous surprise to the disciples when Jesus preached the gospel and revealed himself to a gentile woman , who was an adulterer seven times over but he did and she was saved , it was a tremendous surprise to Ananias when the Lord revealed himself
9 — Could he have survived the fall and dragged himself to the position where he was found ? — This seemed the most likely explanation .
10 In more than one crunch game when the pressure was off and the ball was in the opposition 's half , Frank would climb on to the bar and endear himself to the Celtic faithful by pretending to sleep on the woodwork .
11 When she accepted , Loretta moved across the room and helped herself to two glasses .
12 The things to avoid are principally a sort of subterranean trembling that begins in the body and communicates itself to your vocal chords and even , on occasion , to the chair in which you are sitting , and those long swallows , which you never seem to do at any other time but now occur unstoppably at the wrong point of emphasis in the sentence .
13 We would brave the icy blast , stagger down the hill and stuff ourselves to the gills with scrambled or poached eggs on buttery toast , or light-as-air omelettes , followed by giant sized mugs of good , strong tea and thick slices of bread and farm butter , all priced to suit the hard-up airman 's pocket .
14 It was established that individual pathetic character once and forever by tying one end of his pocket handkerchief to a hook on , in the wall and attaching himself to the other to the performance , to , to the performance of this feat however the pocket handkerchief inside had been all he , he only cried bitterly all day and when the longest nights came on he spread his little hand before his eyes to shut out the darkness and crouching in the corner tried to sleep , everyone drawing himself closer and closer to the wall
15 The lights went on ; we leapt up and pounced on them , adding our howls of ingrate triumph to the general confusion — ending the happy myth not with a whimper but a bang , while Addy , the fellow-conspirator , leant against the wall and laughed herself to helplessness …
16 Almost at once it swung open to let out a surge of laughter and music as a tall dark man with a scar on one cheek clapped Penry on the back and introduced himself to Leonora as Nick Wood , then beckoned to a tall , beautiful woman with a mane of ash-blonde hair , who excused herself from a group of people to come running to throw her arms round Penry 's neck .
17 I went through to the dining-room and helped myself to a pint of the neuron-friendly punch Uncle Hamish always made for the event .
18 He had begun to drink a lot during the day as he had learned to go to the fridge and help himself to prepared squash .
19 But with Rabbi Moishe 's encouragement , with advice and co-operation from the Jewish National Fund leading to a visit by one of their emigration experts to answer questions , resolve doubts , fill in forms and outline all the preparatory steps — by summertime fourteen members of the community had responded to the call and committed themselves to going .
20 Some men tire of the journey and throw themselves to the sea .
21 As he watched , an r-shaped gantry-lift moved on its rails across to the craft and attached itself to a portal on its uppermost surface .
22 It was hanging on the wall , and when he applied it to the p'tar 's rump the beast screamed once , as if outraged , and then it trotted sedately out of the stall and allowed itself to be backed between the shafts of the cart .
23 It has managed to fall flat on its ‘ face ’ after climbing to the very top of the glass and attaching itself to the underside of the small glass shelf that runs along the top , which , by the way , made it almost impossible to feed .
24 People on television often behave as though they are interacting with us ; they look at the camera and address themselves to us , and though this seems to be a fiction , because we can not interrupt or contradict , still we can switch off or over , and TV programmes are influenced by viewers ' letters and ratings .
25 While Mr. S. went to deal with a request made by Mr. A. , the respondent entered the storeroom and helped himself to a key-cutting machine from stock .
26 Whilst Mr. S. went to deal with a request made by the respondent 's new employer , the respondent entered the storeroom and helped himself to a key cutting machine from stock .
27 In reality , of course , such people are shamelessly exploiting the naivety of others who genuinely believe the doctrine and allow themselves to be thrust into the role of ‘ god-motivated ’ providers — actually doing the work attributed to the ‘ god ’ , whilst the exploiters enjoy the fruits of it .
28 Hilton tells him to wait patiently in the darkness and acclimatise himself to this new existence , stripped of all the things that had made life worthwhile before .
29 young people very commonly are escorted by their mothers and the thing is , the politics of the family and showing themselves to their friends , but more and more we 're dealing with people
30 ‘ How did you get on today — have you found a nanny to help you with the children ? ’ he added , throwing her into confusion by casually giving her a peck on the cheek before leaning across the table and helping himself to a slice of chocolate cake .
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