Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 But wood was a much more common fuel for engines , and the appearance of railways and the provision of stations had the power to change the appearance of vast regions .
2 An additional experiment demonstrated that the smell of mothballs had the same effect .
3 But the sovereigns from Queen Victoria onwards turned consultations with the archbishop into a constitutional convention ; so that now the Archbishop of Canterbury had the principal say in the choice of bishops and had a right to be consulted on the choice of his own successor ; or , if he had not a constitutional right , at least he had every right to proffer advice to the prime minister whether the prime minister asked for it or not .
4 The outbreak of hostilities had the immediate effect of silencing most of those within Congress who had spoken out against war , and effectively removed the argument that sanctions should be given a longer period in which to work .
5 Nor is there any reason to assume that the system would have adjusted smoothly to the onset of overaccumulation had the oil crisis not occurred .
6 However , he recovered , and following the siege of Worcester had the great joy of being able to go and see his friends at Kidderminster once again .
7 Well the estate er er er the Duke of Sutherland had the whole of Assynt and then h General Stewart who was born in Nedd and worked and made his fortune if it was as you would say in Canada on the C P R.
8 Under the previous legislation the Secretary of State had the discretion to turn down applications but exercised it only 519 times in the space of five years .
9 Those who were safely beached on the shore of prosperity had the option of giving the credit to Providence , or arrogating it to themselves ; as they regarded those less fortunate ones who were struggling in the water , they could see them as victims of their own improvidence or of God 's ineluctable decree .
10 The Turkish manoeuvres which culminated in what seemed to be the disaster of Sinope had the object of making Nicholas look aggressive , but if the sultan hoped to increase the determination of Britain and France to put Russia in her place , he found that Britain , at least , dragged her feet .
11 Pop music had Lennon , Jagger and Keith Moon ; the world of fashion and photography had David Bailey ; the nightclubs had Christine Keeler and the underworld of crime had the Kray Twins .
12 The east of England had the lowest number of beef herds and the smallest numbers in the herds .
13 Even so , the introduction of charges had the immediate response of reducing demands on the service , although this does not mean that all those who needed help were now able to get it , or that those withdrawing demand did not need help .
14 At least the Under-Secretary of State had the guts to say that at the Dispatch Box .
15 This simple solution to the problem of access had the merit of combining a secure approach with a clear vista of the proposed ‘ House of the People ’ .
16 By long history the Bishop of Durham had the privilege of standing at the right hand of the sovereign throughout the coronation as her chief supporter .
17 A man of vaulting ambitions with the talents to match , passionately devoted to his house and ambitious for his favourite grandson , the twelve-year-old Robert , making no secret now that Alexander III was dead that the House of Bruce had the best claim to the Scottish throne .
18 The House of Lords had the opportunity to bury the prejudgment rule in the extraordinary case of Re Lonrho plc . .
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