Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that behind the brilliance of the official Court there lay a core of family — one is tempted to say bourgeois — life , but this is not , of course , how the Second Empire is remembered , for few even of the courtiers were admitted to the intimacy of the Imperial family and the general public not at all .
2 How can I be so curmudgeonly , so rude , to an organisation which makes it possible for me to enjoy the serenity of Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal , the bone-chilling bleakness of Housesteads , the intimacy of the walled garden at Wallington ?
3 Interestingly , the exhibition identifies two paintings in particular as possessing this quality of intimacy : William Nicholson 's and Victor Pasmore 's portraits of their respective in which the intimacy of the marital relationship , it is supposed , finds direct pictorial expression in the paintings themselves .
4 The full stage production has the advantage of scenery — the exterior and interior of the home in the Boston area — but loses the intimacy of the in-the-round presentation at the Studio theatre .
5 Webb was one of the key figures in the restructuring of the Football League following the breakaway of the Premier League .
6 Franco 's hostility to intellectuals of any persuasion meant that intellectuals the world over were driven into the defence of the Spanish Republic .
7 Others , such as the Prime Minister , Juan Negrín , advocated struggling on , in the hope that the situation in Europe would degenerate into an open conflict with Hitler and Mussolini , and that this , in turn , would oblige the western democracies to come to the defence of the Spanish Republic .
8 Most of his interventions in Parliament were concerned either with the welfare of his Cheshire constituents or the defence of the Calvinist religion .
9 Nizan chose not simply to suspend judgement , but to give public support to the Moscow version of events on the grounds that critical accounts of the Soviet state generally lacked both historical perspective and scientific rigour , and more importantly , that the defence of the Soviet Union in the torrid international political climate of the late 1930s was imperative .
10 It was therefore thought necessary to take steps not only to secure the defence of the Iberian Peninsula , but also to give it the ability to assume an offensive role if necessary .
11 What do they indicate about the defence of the old city and about the trade of the old port ?
12 Later , seated dizzily at the desk in his study , he reached for a piece of paper to write some orders for the defence of the banqueting hall .
13 In the overhaul of government that accompanied the War of the Spanish Succession the servants of Philip V rejected the system of the Great Councils , less because it gave the grandees too much political power than because it was incurably inefficient and incapable of organizing the monarchy for the defence of the French dynasty .
14 Public service broadcasting objectives were intertwined with two other issues : the state as arbiter between different interests ( programme companies , the cinema industry , etc. ( and state support for ‘ worthy ’ or ‘ noble causes ’ — the defence of the French language , of French film production , of programmes for children .
15 Some of the magnates were motivated by personal or local considerations : the northern lords , Wake , Neville and Percy , were concerned at the neglect of the defence of the northern border as Edward 's continental campaigns swallowed up all the available resources ; but Arundel , Warenne and Huntingdon do not seem to have had personal grievances against the king , and their role in the crisis still awaits a satisfactory explanation .
16 In 1323 Andrew Harclay , earl of Carlisle , who was of critical importance for the defence of the northern border of the realm , was executed on suspicion of treason .
17 He was wounded at the siege of Leith in 1560 and nine years later he stood against the northern rising , subsequently advising on the defence of the northern border .
18 Soviet Persian language broadcasts described the Soviet Gulf plan as aimed at the defence of the Persian Gulf countries against any foreign intervention and at securing the self-determination of the regional nations , including Iran .
19 It took the Belgians six hours to rush to the defence of the Red Cross compound and by that time the fighting was over .
20 The person who contributed most significantly to the defence of the Copernican system was Galileo .
21 Equally notable figures will spring to the defence of the secret deal , however .
22 The response of the Soviet government to these and other developments was threefold .
23 As American pressure increased , so the response of the Democratic Republic and the National Liberation Front , the Viet Cong , also reached a new level .
24 the response of the second generation to discrimination and social exclusion in general , and in the housing market in particular .
25 For many years the response of the Central Authority remained the traditional one of the physical planner : new investment , irrespective of any rate of return required , was determined by predictions of demand made in physical terms with no allowance for the effect of price increases .
26 Perhaps the distinction between the response of the criminal law to a request that treatment be ended and to ( figuratively ) taking a knife to the patient rests on four basic and interrelated premisses .
27 So far the response of the private sector has been a very cautious one .
28 Other agencies have already been described — we are now concerned with the response of the private profession to these problems of cost and access .
29 The response of the international community in assisting countries hard hit by the economic costs of the Gulf crisis included initiatives launched under the auspices of the IMF and the World Bank [ see p. 37730 ] , bilateral agreements , and EC funding .
30 Overall , however , the bulk of evidence on female crime suggests that sex plays a relatively minor role in determining the response of the legal system .
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