Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [verb] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of Ken Davies ( who had succeeded John Darbyshire as Managing Director in 1985 , and is now living in England ) he expressed the hope that at some future date we might have the opportunity of planting a third tree !
2 Hahnemann described her as his best ever student and her deep love for him surely withheld the manuscript to deny his critics the opportunity of judging the 6th edition even more eccentric than the 5th .
3 In particular , simplification of the design of such ladder filters through the technique of loading the last section with the characteristic impedance was discussed .
4 The technique of squeezing the last mark out of the examination game ( for it is so artificial as to be a game ) needs as much practice as mastering the breast stroke or converting a try .
5 Having the added bonus of a symbiosis with Richard Martin , but with the advantage of handling the first few episodes himself , Barry 's memory is of an intensely creative period in the weeks before his first studio session on ‘ The Daleks ’ .
6 Car drivers are banned from using their cars in the capital one day each week — although many have circumvented the ban by purchasing a second car .
7 The responsibility for drawing the first furrow on a narrow stetch was one the head horseman could not afford to delegate , unless it was to a man equally skilled as himself ; for a stetch that did not come out , at every point , exactly to the inch would render ineffective the use of implements that had been designed specially for it ; again , a botched stetch was visible to all — to the casual passer-by and to the practised eye of his neighbour ; and the ‘ loss of face ’ a head horseman suffered through allowing the standard of his own work to be below that of the next farm 's was enough to make him ensure that every field was laid out and ploughed with as much care as patience and long-practised skill made possible .
8 In the UK , the Government took a long look at the spectrum before launching a fifth and sixth TV channel .
9 The only trouble was that in the course of compiling the second inventory the missing artworks were found in a cupboard in one of the museum 's corridors .
10 COLCHESTER sailor Richard Merriweather has told of the trials of the deep after completing the third leg of a round-the-world yacht race .
11 Slavery is the key to unlocking the third chamber of Kane 's theorem about why blacks excel in sport : ‘ Of all the physical and psychological theories about the American black 's excellence in sport , none has proved more controversial than one of the least discussed : that slavery weeded out the weak ’ ( Kane , 1971 , p.80 ) .
12 When he returned to Oxford in 1773 it was with the intention of claiming the first suitable benefice in the gift of New College to become vacant .
13 But the small case load of the House of Lords and the expense of bringing a second appeal have produced suggestions that there is no need for the second appeal if the Court of Appeal were to be free to reconsider its own previous decisions .
14 Davies left Lansdowne Road looking pensive , but alert to Australia 's dislike of Garryowens , their growing weariness after two years of international stress , and the disruption of losing a fourth player through injury .
15 Maginn spent the rest of his life as a dedicated missioner in Belfast , where in 1888 he had the pleasure of becoming the first superintendent of the Mission Hall for the Adult Deaf and Dumb which was opened that year by Miss Wilhelmina Frederick .
16 Less costly , but not entirely satisfactory , is the practice of making every fourth tankful leaded petrol , which protects the valve seats but rather defeats the object .
17 Let us restrict ourselves to square matrices ; then premultiplication of any matrix A by unc has the effect of interchanging the ith and jth rows of A ; postmultiplication of A by unc interchanges the ith and jth columns .
18 Pamella 's clock is running slow the Gloucester team were playing rough A familiar example , which actually contains an adjectival phrase rather than a single adjective , is : ( 66 ) a rose by any other name would smell as sweet With this construction , too , there is possibly a certain element of idiomatic restriction ; why for instance are the following examples unacceptable ? ( 67 ) the guide was eating gluttonous Suzanne pirouetted sensuous We may at least hazard a guess as to why this construction is fairly limited in its occurrence : there are three intensional elements in operation , the entity phrase in subject position , the property which is to be instantiated by the verb and as a third item a property that can be expressed either by an adjective or by its adverb competitor ; now where the lexical meanings are such that there would be an appreciable difference in the effect of applying the third property to the entity of the subject by contrast with the effect of using it to qualify the property of the verb ( which is the case in ( 53 ) by contrast with ( 54 ) ) then intuitive awareness that there is going to be a difference may generally allow the construction with the adjective to be available .
19 It was for this reason that he felt compelled to offer the Liberals the alternative vote , an electoral system which would have the effect of entrenching the third party as part of the political system .
20 In ‘ Sweeney Erect ’ the modern seems closer to the savage Polyphemus than to Emerson , and the delight in attacking the nineteenth century is obvious ; but so is the tension between modern and ancient .
21 As in Babylonia , this calendar was adapted to the sun by intercalating a thirteenth month from time to time , but this was left to local officials in the different cities to decide , and they did this individually and arbitrarily .
22 The honour of establishing the first postwar economic arrangement belongs to Benelux , a grouping of Belgium , the Netherlands and Luxembourg .
23 The honour of making the first speech may go to the best speaker or the best friend , providing your choice keeps as many people as possible happy !
24 For the players of Torpedo Moscow will not only be fighting for the honour of becoming the first side to beat Manchester United in a European tie at Old Trafford .
25 SUE HOLWELL , the England sweeper , had the honour of scoring the first goal in the Women 's Typhoo National League when it got underway on Saturday .
26 Well Nick , you have n't got the benefit of seeing the second division table in front of you .
27 The ECJ chose to answer the question by accepting the second argument .
28 Indeed , several employ the recently established body of appraisal and synthesis contained in Oliver Neighbour 's Keyboard and consort music of William Byrd and Joseph Kerman 's Masses and motets as a launch-pad from which to commence the process of establishing the next generation of new observations .
29 Organising your essay in advance changes the process of writing a first paragraph .
30 The Week 's Foundation was in the process of developing a second museum site in the Orlando area — this plan is still on the drawing boards .
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