Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb -s] [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The board picks up the signal , and translates it into digital data , which is then stored as a data file on the computer 's hard disk .
2 As the board accelerates down the face of the wave your speed increases and the apparent wind changes .
3 When the tide springs up the shore the furthest , it also recedes the furthest — uncovering pools which may be accessible by foot for only a few hours each year .
4 The phototransistor picks up the light emitted by the l.e.d. in the transmitter section and converts it into an analogue electrical signal .
5 Yet he stressed the importance of middle-class religion and family life to the monarchy 's health : ‘ A family on the throne brings down the pride of sovereignty to the level of petty life . ’
6 As the title suggests , this is the tragedy of Thomas Fox ; the narrative draws out the disintegration , physical and mental , of an innocent boy caught up in a world of inexplicable rules and inescapable brutality .
7 Wings appear externally for the first time and the insect takes on the appearance of an adult .
8 Usually the shop sells the goods , a finance company pays the shop , and the buyer pays back the finance house , usually in month instalments up to two-and-a-half years ; interest rate fixed at start .
9 The Hand That Rocks The Cradle sets back the cause of nannies by 50 years — but boy , what a film .
10 Chilling , not overheating , has become the danger , so the male opens up the mound during the day to make the most of the waning sun , and covers it over again at night to retain what warmth it has .
11 And , though the story kills off the painter , the big draw himself is sure to return larger than life .
12 The charger tops up the charge , but subsequently charges only to that top-up percentage , for example 90 per cent of 90 per cent .
13 The monitor picks up the amount of ultraviolet or UV rays coming from the sun .
14 If the full amount is not spent , then the employee pays back the difference .
15 8 The defender pulls back the fist ready for a second strike , should it be necessary .
16 This process provides the manufacturer with more of a profit because the bacon soaks up the salt and water which increases its weight .
17 With very good will the adviser writes down the address of the local family counselling services .
18 So when you take your trolley back and clip it back up the pound comes out the front again .
19 While the deal goes down the rest of them wait next door .
20 The Plan sets out the action proposed for each of the main groups it covers .
21 a. a man and woman sitting in the living room + the woman sitting reading quite happily — the man 's bored goes to the window looks out the window + and gets himself ready and goes out +
22 and woman sitting in the living room … the man 's bored goes to the window looks out the window … and goes out + goes to his goes to a club + has a drink talks to the barman
23 This requires an owner to carry out urgent specified repairs ; if he does not comply , then the council carries out the work and recovers the costs from the owner .
24 As the glider slows down the braking should be reduced to avoid lifting the tail .
25 In a Word , the paraclete takes over the role of Jesus .
26 Now with diabetes there 's two types , too much sugar and too little sugar now diabetes erm , Irene said to you , erm is controlled by the insulin in the pancreas in the stomach , it throws out this insulin the liver throws out the sugar and I 'm not going into actual detail , but if there is too little insulin then it is allowing the liver to send out too much glucose , so if , if the person has got this erm pancreas that is n't churning out insulin or too little then your person will have sugar diabetes .
27 We keep our trainees hard at it and even when the sun goes down the programme continues .
28 The sun sucks up the water into the sun .
29 A special pathos is achieved when the poetry acts out the predicament of people whose all too expert command of language debars them ( paradoxically ) from expressing a common human sorrow — mortality , the fear of it , and its conclusiveness — as limpidly as could Williams 's ‘ widow ’ .
30 Schedule 2 to the Act lays down the constitution and procedure of the appeal committee .
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