Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As it was er quite late on a Sunday evening I did in fact take the opportunity to listen at the door of the flat in question .
2 With superb research facilities and growing international demand for our expertise , CTL gives you the opportunity to work at the forefront of toxicological research .
3 If anyone ever gets the opportunity to stay at the Savoy , then my advice is — take it !
4 Now he had the opportunity to stand at the counter with one of his mates and talk about other things .
5 The model presented here of working with parents enables the clinician to progress at the parents ' rate of change and understanding .
6 After an anterior myocardial infarct there is a tendency for the heart to bulge at the site of the damaged muscle .
7 The ridicule to which the dupes are condemned may be explicitly orchestrated by the author , by providing characters within the text to laugh at the victim .
8 Gloria lead Dot up the outside steps from the basement to look at the cotton flags flapping in the sun .
9 He says I 'd like the university to look at the problems , not just the symptoms .
10 I 'll probably have to do me tour of the quayside to start at the beginning where we went
11 Long ago , Isaiah Berlin drew a distinction between ‘ positive ’ and ‘ negative ’ liberty : we all have the freedom to dine at the Ritz , in the sense that no one stops us — Berlin called this ‘ negative liberty ’ .
12 As they do not actually devour the tissue but merely pierce through the skin to get at the sap inside , the problem of making contact can become a little more difficult .
13 But disabled people gathered in Duke Street during the ceremony to protest at the scheme .
14 JH : Do you feel when listening to ‘ authentic ’ orchestral performances that there is an inevitable tendency for the musician to have at the root of his interpretation a whole series of experiences and influences which must at least sub-consciously be drawn from the post-Wagnerian school ?
15 Aware of this , he spins on his back in the manner of a break dancer and the spin gives him the momentum to strike at the legs of the attacker .
16 No oranges will taste the same as those we ate on t hose Saturday mornings , saving the peel to throw at the screen when Roy Rogers brought out his guitar to serenade Dale Evans across a Texas campfire that was flickering in an enchanted cave in a Manchester street .
17 ‘ Every day , the first thing I do when I wake in the morning is go to the window to look at the pond .
18 He laughed wryly , walking over to the window to stare at the view she had enjoyed such a short time before .
19 Success in education has come largely through a process of social indoctrination ; if the young person has been brought up in a supportive home which was valued education and encouraged the youngster to stick at the work in order to pass through the hoops which lead to higher education and the professional occupations , the young person has very often done well at school .
20 It is this popularity which has prompted the management to look at the possibility of introducing these fit bodies to the joys of tennis , by offering complimentary tennis tuition , a worthy initiative and one which can only enhance the game in the club and its surrounding area .
21 If an adult patient did not have the capacity to decide at the time of the purported refusal and still does not have that capacity , it is the duty of the doctors to treat him in whatever way they consider , in the exercise of their clinical judgment , to be in his best interests .
22 That is why at any meeting of the council of a London borough when the mayor is absent a chairman has to be elected by the council to preside at the meeting .
23 And , reflecting the now-familiar language of the GCSE criteria , he asked the committee to look at the extent to which A levels test knowledge , understanding , and skills , and the implications of the assessment procedures for teaching and learning .
24 If support teachers are alert to the possibilities within their role , and allowed the flexibility to operate at the individual or whole-class level , then support for individual children can offer a way through to improving the quality of learning for all ( see , for example , Hodgson et al.
25 There 's a girl who comes from the village to help at the convent .
26 Matters were not improved for the defence when the trial judge refused Mr. Small 's application for the judge to look at the January statement for himself pursuant to section 17 of the Evidence Act .
27 They should also be in frequent contact with all of the somewhat numerous organisations involved in the rural development of the Western Isles , and with the admirable young people who have come back from the mainland to work at the grass-roots level .
28 Sometimes a doctor will send the certificate direct to the Registrar , but it is always necessary for whoever is arranging the funeral to attend at the Registrar 's office , this is usually a close family member but does not have to be .
29 After a lifetime of university teaching I have ceased to believe that the desire to sit at the feet of many masters is a powerful motive with the majority of wandering scholars .
30 We stopped for a breather at Porthmelgan , a small sheltered beach tucked in on the south of the headland , before starting down the hill to look at the outline of St David 's Head with its craggy 500 million year old rocks .
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