Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Article 15 of the second directive gives cancellation rights to all individual contracts except those of six months or less and is amended to exempt where the policyholder has had , for example , the opportunity to reflect on the policy terms before contacting the insurer .
2 What had been happening was an assumption of power on the part of the Vietminh and the demonstration that a communist party could seize the opportunity to capitalize on the power of nationalism at a moment of unparalleled opportunity .
3 I am grateful for the opportunity to speak on the motion for the Adjournment of the House in order to raise a matter that is causing me great concern — the number of cases in my constituency of considerable financial hardship being experienced by full-time and part-time students .
4 What would happen if the Institute were not accepted on a new Register ? was glad of the opportunity to speak on the matter and as the Institute representative on the Committee he was disturbed by the lack of progress by the appointed agent .
5 The training offered to potential dealers was generally informal the opportunity to learn on the job , not by instruction .
6 The listeners will have the opportunity to hear on the news network — major bulletins on the hour , and summaries on the half hour , three business programmes a day and regular updates on sport , weather , travel and business .
7 He rejects the suggestion that salary is a satisfactory reward to entrepreneurs , and argues that the opportunity to trade on the basis of inside information should be viewed as part of a compensation package to encourage innovation .
8 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the revision of this important planning guidance note .
9 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the revision of this important planning guidance note .
10 Some service housing is already available to service men on discount purchase , which gives them the opportunity to get on the home ownership ladder .
11 I am delighted to have the opportunity to raise on the Adjournment the question of adult education in Croydon , and to see you , Mr. Speaker , in the Chair , because you and I are privileged to represent constituencies in Croydon .
12 I welcome very much the opportunity to raise on the Adjournment the question of the working of the police national computer mark 2 and the need for effective safeguards , and I am delighted that this debate is starting at a relatively civilised hour .
13 As the situation deteriorated , it was felt that some further evidence of the British government 's determination not to allow the majority to lean on the minority was needed .
14 The situation became so drastic that one leading club , Botafogo , played a midweek game in the afternoon to save on the bill for floodlights .
15 The decision to focus on the fur trade follows the demise last month of the pressure group Lynx , which went into voluntary liquidation after losing a libel case against a mink farmer .
16 There is usually a formal system of discounts , for advertisers spending over a certain level with the station , and perhaps even for early booking , and whenever a station has time to sell which it fears it might fail to dispose of it is possible for the buyer to negotiate on the price .
17 The political historian , raised from the cradle to insist on the importance of chronology and context , would rather think in terms of intellectual biography .
18 The cysts leave the skin to lie on the bottom where they multiply by simple division — breaking up to infest more fish .
19 Freed from the necessity to concentrate on the road , she could have admired the sweep of the rolling scenery of broad fields dotted with cattle , and tree-crowned hills .
20 I do not suggest that , just because Britain is less violent and less prone to crime than most other west European countries , that diminishes the necessity to concentrate on the picture at home , but let us not frighten people unnecessarily by comparisons with the rest of Europe and the United States .
21 My colleagues and I , therefore , are agreed that as a general rule it is undesirable for members of the judiciary to broadcast on the wireless or to appear on television …
22 The entire Met staff climbed up the ladder to the roof to check on the visibility — well , that 's a laugh , we could n't even see the runway , and I do n't suppose the pilots could either .
23 Sometimes the intention to go on the Pill is there , but it is put off until next week , or until their sixteenth birthday .
24 All those defences are for the defendant to establish on the balance of probabilities .
25 Since the election of the Tory Government of 1979 , which allowed the pound to rise on the back of North Sea oil in the early eighties and left British industry defenceless in the face of foreign competition , or ( according to your point of view ) exposed its inefficiency ( Vic inclines to the first view , but in certain moods will admit the force of the second ) , one-third of all the engineering companies in the West Midlands have closed down .
26 A number of newspapers claimed the Princess was forced by the Queen to go on the tour against her will , as a way of demonstrating there was no rift between her and the Prince .
27 At the same time , while ensuring the blue of sky in front of the camera , I had to wait for the sun to fall on the scene from behind me , otherwise the sparkle of beach and palms would have been lost .
28 And then , at 4 am one pitch-dark morning , I found myself where all along I had planned to be : standing on a steep hillside on a clifftop , waiting for the sun to rise on the world 's first dawn of the day .
29 A The fungus that affects fish is present in all ponds , but often it requires the skin of the fish to be damaged in some way to allow the fungus to grow on the body of the fish .
30 Sadly , we have n't the manpower to check on the honesty of the replies we get .
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