Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me therefore that the free-thinker and the non-Christian can accept , without offence to his convictions , the fact that Christian morals are the basis of the criminal law and that he can recognize , also without taking offence , that without the support of the Churches the moral order , which has its origin in and takes its strength from , Christian beliefs , would collapse .
2 He arranged all his pencils in the holder with the points the same way .
3 Upon our arrival at the foot of the stairs the dog made it plain that stairs were an innovation he 'd not encountered before , by staging the first of many sit-down strikes .
4 The Bosnian Serbs may be persuaded to give back a little more land elsewhere , if President Milosevic of Serbia judges that this will speed the removal of the sanctions the world has imposed on his country .
5 Then to the horror of the students the professor dipped his finger into the samples one by one and they saw him put it to his lips .
6 It may be appropriate to establish in the course of the discussions the information on the potential acquiror which may be conveyed back to the client .
7 The wife is commonly , these days , a secondary source of income to the family and the loss of her income is something that should be taken into account when the claim comes to be made , together with , most importantly , the loss of the services the wife has gratuitously rendered to her family .
8 One obvious failing in Britain is the gap between the skills the workforce offers and those employers want .
9 Before the emancipation of the serfs the government had been reluctant to return peasants to the countryside after they had served in the army , for fear that they would use their training to promote discontent .
10 Urban consumers of beef benefited ; within eighteen months of the lifting of the regulations the price of beef fell by half .
11 Since the formation of the IGS the number of staff employed increased rapidly by the formation of units working on many branches of earth science .
12 The deer remaining at large were removed , and on completion of the work of the Commissioners the forests were declared to be disafforested , and no one henceforth liable to pay any penalty for hunting therein , except in enclosed parks .
13 Before the advent of the Europeans the latter lacked any contact with more ‘ advanced ’ cultures ( except in so far as the influence of the Aztecs and other peoples of Central America may have percolated northward ) , whereas Siberia , as part of the ‘ Old World ’ cultural complex , was subject to many influences ( however remote ) from the great civilizations of Eurasia .
14 At the Council in the Marches the office of Queen 's Attorney was held from 1559 to about 1592 by John Price .
15 He sat back , breathing deeply , taking in the elegance of the shapes the boy had made , recollecting the startling originality of the boy 's strategies — as if he had just re-invented the game .
16 He struggled to his knees , but the menace of the leering faces surrounding rounding him drained the strength from his limbs , so that when he tried to draw the bow across the strings the result was a tuneless scratch .
17 When Dad went off to the pub with the bottles the following day I followed him .
18 I shuffled away and at the bottom of the stairs the back of my hand accidentally knocked the rail , hard .
19 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
20 By midday the weather had improved , and with the help of the spectators the Vimy was pushed to the starting point at the far end of the field .
21 As the Padre 's feeble voice continued to denounce the Editor of The Times the Collector lifted his eyes to the sky where , as always , the kites and vultures were circling .
22 1 The attitude of the courts The courts have developed a practice of viewing the position of an employee as particularly special and significant when dealing with restraint of trade claims by an employer .
23 Few people were out around Snowdrop Street and Marsh Lane police station , the scene of the disturbances the night before .
24 After several attempts to play the sound of the females the rescue effort was abandoned .
25 His monks had a grange at Widcombe , and at the Dissolution of the Monasteries the lands were divided , the Prior 's Park being sold separately to Humphrey Colles while the Manor House and its estate went to the rich clothier , Richard Chapman , who was mayor and MP for Bath .
26 After the Dissolution of the Monasteries the estate and rectory came to the Sleigh family in the early seventeenth century , and among other Sleigh family memorials in the chancel of St Michael 's is a remarkable Jacobean monument of a black coffin , instead of an effigy , in memory of Judith , first wife of Sir Samuel Sleigh .
27 With the diversification of the colleges the workload increased substantially in the arts and humanities particularly , and the rapid growth of the CNAA 's work in arts and social studies was fuelled by the transfer of courses from London external degrees .
28 The treasurer , in sharp , clipped tones , was listing the committee 's various expenditures and was bringing to the attention of the members the fact that there was only twenty dollars in hand .
29 Sensing that he had the attention of the warriors the flagellant pulled himself up to his full height .
30 The text of the cable was : Bodyline bowling has assumed such proportions as to menace the best interests of the game , making protection of the body by the batsmen the main consideration .
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