Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unable to stop the spell which has made the broom fetch water , the apprentice breaks it in two only to have both halves doing the job at twice the speed .
2 Sister Eillen Regan , from the board of education of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of San Francisco , says the board shunned it for two reasons : ‘ It treats nuclear war as survivable and implies nuclear war is a political option ’ .
3 The taxpayer received it on 8 December and it was lodged in the High Court on 15 January 1991 .
4 The decision to keep it at 23 means fewer fixtures , less money and a greater likelihood of further clubs folding .
5 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
6 The descant accompanying it for fifty years had been one of complaint .
7 IBM is hoping that the popularity of workflow computing models will drive uptake , but it acknowledges that message queuing is not a new concept ; what is new it says , is the attempt to implement it across multiple manufacturer 's machines .
8 Whistle Down The Wind did it in 1961 and made Hayley Mills a child star .
9 On 13 October , the Leader of the Opposition described it in three different ways — which is typical of him .
10 So an unholy alliance of cow-keepers and slum-owners repeatedly elected the kind of corporation that would fight to the death ‘ the unsightly monster ’ of enclosure — as the mayor called it in 1825 .
11 This may lead those who would otherwise oppose the practice to defend it on cultural grounds .
12 Aspect 1 — the retention of propositional knowledge and the capacity to reproduce it in written form .
13 The guard examined it in close detail , checking off the listed physical peculiarities .
14 Screens were placed along the length of the hall dividing it into four aisles , leaving spaces at either end and a way through to the Law Courts , which at that time were on the west side of the hall .
15 It is a virtual certainty that the developed world will have to set standards for itself , probably through commitments within the ECE or OECD framework , before attempting the infinitely difficult problem of persuading the South to join it in global agreements .
16 However , I would argue that it begs the question to phrase it in such a way .
17 In many ways the latter approach would be preferable since the essential question is whether the charge was intended to secure some new value and the requirement to register it within 21 days of its creation would suffice to protect those dealing with company .
18 Often the polyps withdraw , and the polypary may shrink slightly as the animal expels water from inside the body to replace it with fresh water .
19 This movement is usually made more apparent because the head sinks into the shoulders and the hands come close to the body to protect it from some blow , curse or frightening event , e.g. Juliet 's movement after her father has demanded why she is not conforming to his wishes .
20 If they wo n't , then it is good for the leader to discuss it in private with the individual .
21 Recent estimates of the size of the slick put it at 2.5m-3m barrels of oil , not the 7m-barrel monster that had been feared .
22 Although Pepper v. Hart is the initial formulation of the relaxed exclusionary rule , the ambiguities which it contains and the failure to relate it to other aids to statutory construction are perhaps less deserving of a welcome .
23 Another proof of her social status among the hawkers is her working spot : it is so well located that she if she decides to move she could ‘ sell ’ the right to use it to another vendor .
24 The 1931 treaty is automatically prolonged from year to year and each party has the right to terminate it after six months ' notification .
25 In the early thirteenth century the canons and the laity left it for new Salisbury on the plain , by the river ; and Old Sarum survived only as a castle and a rotten borough .
26 Through remarks like these the police were normalizing the behaviour to distinguish it from that which cam be expected from gougers .
27 If you wish to purchase a chunk of salame to slice yourself in the future , you should ask for the casing to be left on the meat to keep it in prime condition .
28 May was the month to see it to best advantage : azaleas spilled cascades of coral and blood-red flowers over the pathways , lilac bushes waved their plump , perfumed arms , interspersed by spiky sentinels of variegated holly , and overhead , leaning in regally protective attitudes , the magnolia trees spread a lustrous canopy of waxen , creamy blooms .
29 This meant both that the BBC itself was not to ‘ editorialize ’ about the news ( or ‘ matters of public policy ’ , as the Postmaster-General put it in 1927 ) and that it kept strict control over access to the airwaves .
30 The Inspector left it at that and as I was waiting expectantly for the interview to end , he said : ‘ Why does an educated man like you spend his time caddying ?
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