Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] by [art] first " in BNC.

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1 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
2 What the second stage needed was not a distribution , such as a successful general adoption of the co-operative form of organisation would have prompted , of the wealth created by the first stage , but rather an accumulation and concentration .
3 The second pitch continues the theme initiated by the first : good rock , great protection and sustained interest , before popping out onto the grassy clifftop , where there is a fine selection of arboreal belays .
4 The artist 's impression of Ivan 's majestic features and lavish robes captures the awe inspired by the first Grand Prince to be crowned ‘ Tsar ’ .
5 In one unwelcome marriage you learn much about the means of evading a second , and still retaining the consequence gained by the first .
6 The mortgagees had been advised by their own solicitors that the charge executed by the first appellant in September was ineffective and they therefore sought a further mortgage to be executed by both appellants .
7 The distinction implied by the first question — transducing versus flow visualization — is not complete .
8 Dierdriu had maintained the legend begun by the first Wolfkings , but her granddaughter would create a new legend altogether .
9 British fascism originated in several distinct and contradictory reaction to the long-term decline of Britain and the dislocation caused by the First World War .
10 The emphasis put on the respect shown by the first Ottoman rulers for the dervishes by granting them generous plots of land can also be interpreted as a denunciation of Bayezid 's policy of abolishing the rights on the and lands .
11 ( 3 ) In May 1983 B.M.T. to which the application signed by the first plaintiff and altered by the third defendant had been submitted , offered C.M.C. a loan of £185,500 on the security of the bakery .
12 The moderate socialists still controlled the CEC elected by the first All-Russian Congress of Soviets in June , but acceded to demands that they summon a Second Congress which , following a series of regional soviet congresses , eventually met on 25 October .
13 ( Tolstoy , in War and Peace , gives a brilliant account of the insecurity engendered by the first occasion of a new type of experience in his description of Pierre 's induction into membership of a masonic brotherhood . )
14 But the second proposal seems to contemplate an expanded role for judicial review as a way of controlling government activity ; and increasing the sources of information available to the courts in the way contemplated by the first proposal might so change perceptions of the judicial role that it , too , would lead to an expanded conception of the role of judicial review .
15 The solicitor contacted by the first defendant and Mr. Morgan for the purposes of the new will , Mr. Burgess , concluded that the deceased lacked testamentary competence and that he should not proceed in the matter .
16 Other neurons conduct impulses from the spinal cord to muscles and cause them to contract ; so the pain relayed by the first neurons might cause a limb to be moved by the second set of neurons .
17 And despite massive obstacles — the destruction caused by the First World War , the ravages of a civil war brought on by the support that foreign capitalists lent the savage counter-revolutionary efforts of Russia 's defeated classes , international isolation in the inter-war period , the appalling destruction wrought by Hitler 's rapacious invasion , the sustained hostility of the capitalist West — a socialist society was built .
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