Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in the former situation the stimulus is received and the response initiated by the same hemisphere ( direct or uncrossed reaction ) .
2 He directs his bitterest fury at the hysteria generated by a homophobic press , the lack of information available on the virus , and the unwillingness of any political party to address the problem .
3 The time limit for submitting the return may be extended by the inspector if it can be shown , to his satisfaction , that there is a reasonable excuse for the inability to submit by the prescribed deadline .
4 We must also seize the opportunity presented by the considerable increase in numbers of children , particularly those of school age .
5 On the other hand , some individuals may take the opportunity offered by a higher real wage to enjoy more leisure and so may offer fewer hours of work .
6 In some cases schools have taken the opportunity offered by a delegated budget to create new posts .
7 If this proves to be the case , it will show that centres have grasped the opportunity offered by the new advanced courses to make wider access a reality .
8 Indeed , a number of authorities took ‘ the opportunity offered by the current preparation of the new statutory local plans to institutionalise negotiated planning control … the draft Westminster District Plan , for example , indicates unequivocally the council 's intention to pursue certain planning goals through agreements , in addition to establishing certain minimum gains to be included in planning applications or to be secured through negotiated amendments to submitted applications ’ An action area plan for Fareham , Hampshire , similarly states that ‘ planning permission for development in the proposed areas will not be granted until … negotiations between developers and the local authority for financial contributions have been concluded ’ .
9 An apparently apocryphal account is of two Prussian medical officers , Fritsch and Hitzig , who In 1870 took advantage of the opportunity offered by the Franco-Prussian War to study the exposed brains of soldiers struck down on the battlefield . "
10 That same strength will ensure that 1992 is another successful year for us collectively and individually as we all take maximum benefit from the opportunity offered by an improved economic climate .
11 The opportunity afforded by a third term in office is thought to have induced a ‘ triumphalist ’ determination to effect even more remarkable and radical transformations in the social order than were brought about since it first took office in 1979 .
12 Never at any stage was the challenger intimated by the controversial and eccentric Eubank — now unbeaten in 36 fights .
13 There are currently only three national clearinghouses operational — the USER clearinghouse in Australia , the LOEX clearinghouse in the USA , and the clearinghouse operated by the British Library Information Officer for User Education in the UK but others are at the planning stage .
14 The weakness caused by the bifurcated character of the Alliance was demonstrated in the autumn of 1986 when the separate Liberal and SDP Conferences passed incompatible resolutions on defence policy : the split damaged the Alliance rating in the opinion polls .
15 With yet further training , however , the contribution of the inhibitory association will continue to increase and the effect of its loss when the context is changed is unlikely to match exactly the reduction suffered by the excitatory association .
16 Nevertheless , the complexity imparted by the faithful physicalist version should not blind us to the features that distinguish the causal processes in the bees ' brains or whatever from those involved in the swelling after the swipe .
17 The subjective inner world of animals was not denied and an evolutionary development of sensed-worlds was assumed because of the complexity indicated by the increasing sophistication of perceptual and communicational mechanisms , but only the behaviour could be charted and recorded in the actual passage of time .
18 But Mr Fallon has replied , saying he was ‘ puzzled ’ at her request that the Government matched the funding given by the Two Castles Housing Association .
19 This means that the fraction and exponent are adjusted until the fraction ( considered as a sequence of digits in the base used by the floating point system ) has a non-zero left-hand or most-significant digit .
20 Nevertheless , the variety provided by the five levels makes this a good investment if you can stand the frustration of repeating earlier levels , time after time .
21 It is a fitful affair , stagnating or even sometimes going ‘ backwards ’ , rather than moving solidly ‘ forwards ’ in the direction suggested by the arms-race idea .
22 It was seen as a ‘ progressive ’ Article that pushed development of general international law in the direction chosen by the European Communities .
23 It would be helpful if matching promises could now be made by Washington , London and Paris , that they will exercise their residual responsibilities only in the direction requested by the German people , and by Bonn , that the German right of self-determination will be exercised only in consultation with the three Western Allies .
24 Buthelezi announced that he intended to submit this constitution to a popular referendum within the region and declared that if approved " the new constitution will stand in force , regardless of the direction taken by the constitutional process of South Africa " .
25 It can be seen as another outburst of dissatisfaction about the direction taken by the Cultural Revolution and the failure to eliminate what they saw as the rise of a ‘ Soviet Union type of privileged class ’ ( Brodsgaard 1981 : 753 ) .
26 California , one of the most energy conscious areas in the world , has an installed capacity of over 1500MW , more than the provision offered by a medium sized power station .
27 The ‘ ship ’ is therefore dwarfed by the size of the ocean which is post-school education and training ; moreover it is an ocean which over the last ten or so years has been in unprecedented turmoil culminating in the hurricane represented by the 1988 Education Reform Act .
28 Unfortunately , Ornstein is vague about the nature of the change brought by the successful pursuit of enhanced consciousness .
29 In this period of rapid social change , involving families moving from the countryside to the town , the support given by the wider network of relatives was of great importance for individual families .
30 But the brick dropped by a local Sunday newspaper last weekend is worthy of mention .
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