Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] had [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 The situation was more complicated , due to the fact that certain city officials with vested interests in the tannery operation had given the tannery written permission to send their chemical waste to the city sewage treatment plant , and were openly hostile to attempts by the YCCC or anybody else to raise the subject as a local government issue .
2 In that case the trial judge had regarded the general level of awards in the class of case with which he was dealing as " unacceptably low " , and had made an award above the generally accepted bracket .
3 However , he submitted that even if the trial judge had misdirected the jury when he told them that the case against the first appellant depended solely upon what it was proved that he himself had done , that misdirection was to the advantage of the first appellant .
4 In one case , R v Waterfield , the trial judge had cleared the court while the jury was shown allegedly obscene films .
5 Hence the interwar years had seen the development of what has been called ‘ a consensus of social responsibility ’ which accepted the necessity of greater State intervention , planning and full employment as major priorities .
6 The interwar years had seen the introduction of a number of significant measures of social reform , especially those associated with Neville Chamberlain as minister of health .
7 Soon after ascending the throne Alexander had relaxed the constraints on higher education which his father had introduced in the wake of the European revolutions of 1848 .
8 I knew that on the whole the U-boat commanders had fought the submarine war cleanly , the only major exception being the murders committed by the U.852 and her captain , Lieutenant-Commander Eck .
9 Mulroney accepted that the referendum result had consigned the Charlottetown agreement to " history " , but rejected suggestions that , in the face of such a personal reverse , he might step down as Prime Minister .
10 The cash on offer for the hurdle race had stretched the racing world 's eyes wide and excited owners into twisting their trainers ' arms so that the entries had been phenomenal ( Dee-Dee said ) .
11 Evidence that the drug cartels had infiltrated the latest judicial security system came with the murder of Myriam Rocío Vélez , 38 , a district court judge in the city of Medellín , who was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on Sept. 18 .
12 Hours of daily practice on the firing range had formed the callus .
13 The camp guards had allowed the baby six months ' life and then , when Elisabeth was selected for the officers ' brothel and her breasts required for purposes other than those of nourishing a Jewish infant , a non-commissioned officer , having polished his boots , drawn up the mess accounts , written an affectionate note to his wife and son and relieved his bladder , took Elisabeth Danziger 's baby from her arms and dashed out its brains against the stone wall outside his office .
14 For years , the ASP bureaucracy had annexed the closing stages of the annual circuit for Australia .
15 The bombardment chewed the British defences as savagely ; the dawn advance was cloaked in the same white mist of invisibility ; within hours the storm troopers had overrun the new Front and the retreat was on again .
16 Overall numbers of those using the Chaplaincy seemed to have increased and the University Registry had forwarded the names of those students who had volunteered their religion on their enrolment form .
17 If the building society had used the additional deposit to buy public sector debt , then the consequence would have been avoided .
18 Now , if the Liaison Office had got the same number from Maxim , then the embassy gossip vine had to be more security-minded than she believed possible for it not to come to one conclusion .
19 One suspects that this may have been due to a sense of betrayal , when Duke Philip of Burgundy 's change of policy in the mid 1430s turned Flanders into a hostile country instead of an ally , and partly to the closeness of past commercial ties , when the wool trade had linked the two lands in any uneasy partnership .
20 But both authors recognise that experience in office in the coalition government had made the Labour leaders more cautious than they would otherwise have been : Dr Marwick comments that ‘ Middle-class radicalism and official trade unionism were much stronger influences than left-wing Socialism ’ , and Dr Addison speaks of an ‘ Attlee consensus ’ to which the Conservatives , when they returned to office in 1951 , also subscribed .
21 Overnight , sorting out the repossession scandal had become the Government 's main priority .
22 He told us that " if only the car industry had achieved the same improvements in price performance since the war as the electronics industry , a 1980 Rolls Royce would only cost 2 pence . "
23 In addition , he pointed out that the price/performance ratio has changed by a factor of 6,000 in the past few years : ‘ If the car industry had had the same change that the computer industry has experienced since 1960 , a car that cost $10,000 in 1960 would now be sold for $1 , ’ he said .
24 The elections had been called in mid-December 1990 after student protestors and the opposition parties had forced the resignation of the President , Lt.-Gen. ( retd ) Hussain Mohammed Ershad [ see pp. 37906-07 ] .
25 In late February the opposition parties had boycotted the budget hearings in pursuit of its demand that former Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki and former state minister Jun Shiozaki — both of whom were members of the Miyazawa faction of the LDP — testify concerning their links with the steel frame manufacturer Kyowa Company .
26 Now I realised how aptly the poet Muir had epitomised the fascination that most people feel for Rona when he wrote those lines so long ago :
27 The setting sun had turned the pale stone walls to gold .
28 He displayed his contempt for Hollywood at the awards ceremony by refusing to accept the gold statuette and sending an Indian girl in his stead to protest at the way the movie industry had treated the Red Man .
29 Sweet going down , sweet coming back up , ’ the man in the boat yard had said the previous night .
30 I did n't know who was in and who was not , but the incident with Russell and the telephone call had made the whole family wary .
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