Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [prep] a few " in BNC.

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1 The algorithm begins with a few small clusters , and it enlarges them and creates new clusters as it is presented with more data .
2 Business as usual The election led to a few significant changes in Northern Ireland , but mostly it 's more of the same , says Robin Wilson
3 The reply came in a few minutes ago listing ten different countries with which he does business . ’
4 The light changed for a few minutes and a watery sun hit the flanks of Lovely Seat .
5 The fighting continued for a few seconds before they realised that it was no longer dark .
6 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
7 The effect began within a few minutes but took an hour or more to reach a maximum .
8 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
9 The reluctance to invest in a few good demonstration videos may stem not only from the fact that there are indeed some very poor , amateurish productions around , but also , compared with most books , videos are still comparatively expensive .
10 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
11 The match finished with a few variations on ‘ Boring Boring Ipswich ’ and ‘ I ca n't read and I ca n't write but I can drive a tractor/taxi ’ .
12 The mother 's death is portrayed in a macabre scene where Walter is unsure whether she has died , or even what death is , and allows the corpse to rot for a few days while he sits by her side .
13 Leave the rabbit to set for a few moments .
14 But now they 're having a heated debate about script changes , so I grabbed the chance to escape for a few minutes . ’
15 In the final phase of the experiment , the buzzer ( a conditioned stimulus ) sounded and the dog salivated after a few seconds without the presence of any meat powder ( conditioned response ) .
16 It should also help if you leave the paper to rest for a few minutes before stretching with gum strip .
17 The creature staggered for a few seconds and turned to scream .
18 The wireless crackled for a few moments until , after much jiggling with the knobs , the voice of Mr Chamberlain became clear .
19 The artist thought for a few moments .
20 The calling continued for a few moments and then , with a cry of ‘ bitch ’ , to her horror , Nicky Scott Wilson began to make the most blood-curdling noise as he bayed her name to the night sky , like a wolf .
21 The foreigner stumbled on a few steps , his brains leaking out around his earphones , and collapsed in a heap .
22 Let the print drain for a few seconds and place it on your flash enlarger ( that 's why the bin liner ) and now run your flash test across the print .
23 Let the print drain for a few seconds and place it on your flash enlarger ( that 's why the bin liner ) and now run your flash test across the print Exposure times should exceed your previously established ‘ max.flash ’ .
24 Innsbruck , the famous Olympic ski resort is another excursion where you have a fascinating guided coach tour of the city followed by a few hours to explore for yourselves .
25 Our morning walk along the cliffs gave us terrific views of the secluded white sand bays dotted along the coastline followed by a few hours on Pompièrre beach where the locals meet to picnic .
26 The questionnaire for the survey began with a few brief factual questions about personal details , and a second , more important part of the schedule contained batteries of questions aimed at measuring an individual 's standing on the scales mentioned earlier .
27 It was the oldest trick in the book : lighten the atmosphere stir in a few laughs — and throw the fast ball .
28 She did n't know how far they had come from Gloucester , but surely after an hour at a steady gallop they had put enough distance between themselves and the castle to halt for a few minutes .
29 When the seeds drop off from the flowering spike , they should be left in the tank to float for a few days .
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