Example sentences of "be always [pron] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ’ It is always something of a shock to see black women , sharing equally ( and sometimes more than equally ) in the labor and strife of black people , expunged from the text when history becomes shaped into what we call tradition .
2 Marx 's and Engels 's position is always something of a balancing act between idealism and crude or ‘ vulgar ’ materialism and this is nowhere better illustrated than in The German Ideology and the Theses on Feuerbach .
3 Novelty plays an important part in all of our lives yet there is always something of a balance to be struck between having so much novelty that life becomes unbearably unpredictable and wearing , and the opposite where sameness drives us mad with boredom .
4 If we only allow ourselves plain text as input , the output is always something of a guess .
5 Any problems within the platoon are dealt with ; my door is always open for a chat , and there is always someone with a problem .
6 To imagine that the revived realism of the 1950s and after excluded other possibilities , then , is to misunderstand its nature , and the chauvinism of the school was always something of a pose .
7 Even so , with water in normal supply , locking at Foxton takes an hour or more ; slow working was always something of a disadvantage .
8 In the wake of Watergate and other scandals , the pejorative connotations of the imperial presidency gained added weight , but the concept was always something of a cliché .
9 He was always something of a showman and sought to attract extra revenue by utilising the tramway as an attraction : to this end he introduced Illuminations tours , reintroduced the Circular Tour and created new feature cars , attracting commercial sponsorship .
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