Example sentences of "be put [pron] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
2 Because of your health , pet , they 're putting us on the priority list , say we did n't ought to be below-ground , nor too high .
3 I could be putting him on the spot .
4 Well , he said , I 'm putting them on the train and they 'll be in Valley on the seven o'clock train for you On Friday night this was .
5 PEOPLE from a housing estate have been putting themselves on the map — and others have the unnerving prospect of coming face to face with themselves .
6 I 'd be looking for sixty five for ours , if we were to put it on the market , I mean we 're not
7 The one time they were encouraged to sit her on a chair , after she had scratched her sister , both parents moved over to her and fussed her , talking and explaining to her why they were putting her on the chair .
8 The best method nowadays , of course , is to put it on the computer and let the computer plot the lot .
9 He 's putting them on the side , like , I 'm asleep in bed , he goes this one 's for you .
10 The aim was to put them on the spot — or at least to impress the Inspector with your knowledge and concern .
11 He was putting them on the game , women and young girls who would otherwise never have dreamt of doing it .
12 Well , I was putting it on the foil and I thought : ‘ This could kill me ’ , but it was that strong the urge to have it , I did n't care .
13 I suppose what I did there was put them on the spot so how could I word that so that it does n't put people on the defensive so much ?
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