Example sentences of "be know [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Portraits of the famous Roman emperors are known from a large number of other sources , principally sculpture , but for many of the Hellenistic kings or Roman emperors of the third century AD , coins provide the only portrait evidence .
2 Although serious research on the subject of mobbing did not begin until around the time of the Second World War , it has been known as a natural phenomenon for over 2,500 years .
3 It had been known for a long time that histamine was responsible for producing many allergies and the first antihistamine drug was produced in France in 1937 .
4 Other diuretics have been known for a long time , especially arsenical compounds of mercury .
5 The toxic nature of some animals has been known for a long time and man has utilised their venoms and poisons for various purposes .
6 The effect of early experience on the mating preferences of birds and mammals has been known for a long time .
7 It has been known for a long time , and has led to the more modern practice called ‘ foliar feeding ’ , in which the purpose is not so much to correct deficiencies , but to encourage a boost in performance , yield and so on by spraying major element solutions on to the leaves in the same way .
8 It has been known for a long time that , partly due to their immense size , elephants can hear much lower sounds than we can .
9 As I 've mentioned already in the context of metaphors of memory , the phenomenon of ‘ animal electricity ’ and its relation to neural activity had been known for a long time — at least since Galvani 's demonstration in Bologna in the 1790s that electrical pulses caused a frog 's legs to twitch .
10 These are called reaves and , while they have been known for a long time , their age , extent and probable purpose have only recently been recognised .
11 It has been known for a tough roadman-sprinter to control the race in these big hills , not to lose much time on the Ballon , then rejoin the leading group , dominate them on the long downhill run into Mulhouse and win the stage .
12 This is , in effect , what had already been known for a considerable time as a ‘ cantata ’ for six voices , four viole , two violini , and string and keyboard continuo , in four strongly contrasted sections ( solo and tutti ) preceded by a sinfonia .
13 I 'm known for a particular dish : snails with nettle sauce .
14 Flows may well be exogenous as they are likely to be known with a reasonable degree of uncertainty given the contractual nature of many savings policies .
15 As the recession deepened [ see below ] , the Hawke government began 1991 some 18 percentage points behind the opposition in opinion polls , raising questions concerning Hawke 's future as leader , particularly as Keating had let it be known at a National Press Club dinner in December that he believed he would make a better Prime Minister than Hawke .
16 Michael is what used to be known as a righteous dope fiend .
17 But those who could speak English spoke no Welsh aloud in Shrewsbury in those days , for feeling was running all the higher because the two races bred and mingled so closely here , and it was well to be known as a loyal king 's man , and indulge other sympathies only in low voices round the hearth , or better still , in silence within the heart .
18 A solicitors ' incorporated practice allowed under the Rules will be known as a recognised body .
19 Now , Fiona was thought to be a suitable bride for my father-just the right age , pretty and vivacious enough it was thought to appeal to a man who was beginning to be known as a confirmed bachelor . ’
20 You 'll be known as a bad girl even if you 're as pure as the Prophet 's daughter . ’
21 effects would not be known , would not be known for a considerable period of time .
22 The precise outcome of these changes will not be known for a little while , but regrettably it will almost certainly result in a lower financial provision for IT and many other areas in the longer term , and quite probably a significant lower level of commitment to new grants in all areas in the current academic session , since the sharpest adjustment needs to be made for 1991/92 .
23 While the child is in care no-one may cause him to be known by a new surname or remove him from the United Kingdom without either the written consent of every person who has parental responsibility or the leave of the court ( s33(7) ) .
24 It did not include any formula for the future determination of pay , a principal element of the unions ' original claim , and ambulance workers on Merseyside declared an all-out stoppage from Feb. 26 until the results were known of a national membership ballot , in which , however , 81 per cent supported acceptance of the deal ( as announced on March 13 ) .
25 We became known at that time as a labour school and still later , we were known as a farmer-labour school .
26 The terms " diagonal " , " side " and " perimeter " of a rectangle were known by a high proportion of pupils , " area " by fewer .
27 A provides a context for B but B serves to provide context for A. These are known as local features , and that 's known as a global feature .
28 That 's known as a diplomatic answer .
29 Erm within the limits of his repertoire he 'll shift his accent down towards that that of the workers erm shows them cooperation and that 's known as a downward convergence .
30 At temperatures above 374° C and pressures above 218 atmospheres , water becomes what is known as a supercritical fluid , with some of the characteristics of both a liquid and gas , and is able to dissolve almost anything .
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